Best Diet After Angioplasty for Speedy Recovery

Best Diet After Angioplasty for Speedy Recovery

Cardiology |by Dr. Rakesh Sarkar| Published on 05/09/2024


Unsure about what to eat after your angioplasty? It's normal to be concerned about the recovery period after angioplasty, as it might be a crucial step in treating heart disease. Following a heart-healthy diet is critical to fasten the recovery process as it can help prevent further issues. To make sure you feel informed and supported as you set out on this journey to improved heart health, this blog offers a comprehensive look at the best dietary practices following angioplasty. However, it's crucial to consult your doctor before making any dietary adjustments. 

If you have undergone angioplasty, you can book an appointment with one of our expert heart specialists at BM Birla Heart Research Hospital for personalised guidance. Let's explore the best dietary practices for a healthy heart.

Please note that this information is research-based and we do not replace the significance of consulting with a healthcare professional. 

What is Angioplasty?

A minimally invasive procedure called an angioplasty is carried out to widen or unblock cardiac arteries. A small balloon is inserted with the helo of a catheter to open up the artery and improve blood flow. A stent—a small wire mesh tube may be placed sometimes to keep the artery open. Usually, this surgical procedure is recommended when there is a chance of a heart attack or serious harm due to reduced blood flow.

Why a Heart-Healthy Diet is Important After Angioplasty?

After angioplasty, it is crucial to follow a heart-healthy diet for a number of reasons. First, it fastens the recovery process by reducing cardiac strain and supporting general healing. Secondly, it also benefits in lowering the levels of cholesterol, managing blood pressure, and weight. Heart-Healthy diety also lowers the chance of cardiovascular events. Lastly, a healthy diet can improve your quality of life by increasing energy and overall general wellbeing.

Foods to Avoid After Angioplasty

Here is the list of foods that should be avoided after angioplasty: 

  • Trans fats and saturated fats like fried foods, baked food items, and processed snacks aggravates the level of LDL cholesterol contributing to artery blockages.
  • Consuming too much salt can increase blood pressure and put strain on the heart. Make sure to avoid canned soups, processed foods, and salty snacks.
  • Sugar-rich foods and drinks, such as sodas, sweets, and sugary cereals, can cause weight gain and raise the risk of diabetes and heart disease.
  • Red meat and processed meats are rich in cholesterol and saturated fats which can increase the risk of heart disease. One must include lean proteins in their diet.
  • Consuming excessive alcohol can result in hypertension, heart failure, andstroke even though, moderate alcohol use may assist the heart.

Foods to Consume After Angioplasty

Here is the list of food items that should be included in your diet after angioplasty: 

  • Whole Grains: This involves high-fiber foods, like oatmeal, brown rice, and whole wheat bread, as it lower cholesterol levels and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Fruits and vegetables: Packed with vital nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants, these foods promote heart health.
  • Good Fats: Include foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, such walnuts, flaxseeds, and salmon, as they can help reduce inflammation and strengthen heart health.
  • Lean Proteins: For protein sources, opt for skinless chicken, fish, beans, and legumes. They are good choices for overall health and muscle restoration.
  • Low-Fat Dairy: Make sure to include low-fat or fat-free milk, yoghurt, and cheese to cut back on saturated fat.

General Tips

Here are some general tips when moving towards your journey of better heart health:

  • Drink at least eight- ten glasses of water throughout the day.
  • Focus on portion control and avoid overeating.
  • Choose cooking methods like steaming, grilling, or baking over frying.
  • Consume less oil, and choose olive oil or mustard oil when cooking food.
  • Decrease the intake of salt.
  • Avoid adding extra sugar to foods and drinks.
  • Avoid heavy meals, eat small meals in regular intervals to keep your energy levels stable 

A healthy lifestyle must be adopted during the recovery process after an angioplasty. You may speed up the recovery process, lower your chance of developing new cardiac issues, and enhance your general health by eating a balanced, heart-healthy diet. Always remember that even minor dietary changes can have a big impact on your heart. Make sure to seek advice from a certified dietitian or your healthcare professional to establish a personalised plan that suits your unique needs. Take one step at a time and don’t be hars on yourself as you begin your journey toward better heart health. Be mindful that it all starts with the foods you choose to put into your body.

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