Most people often misunderstand the two different conditions to be similar, which are stroke and a heart attack. They both affect the different parts of the body. Stroke affects the brain by blocking blood flow in the brain while heart attack affects the heart by reducing blood flow in the heart.
In this blog, we will discuss both comprehensively for your better understanding of the causes and symptoms. So, once you become aware of the symptoms and ever experience them in the future, you must book your appointment with the best cardiologists in Kolkata at the BM Birla Heart Research Center.
Please note that it is research-based information, and we do not encourage overlooking the cardiologist's consultation.
Strokes happen if blood flow is insufficient to the brain. Due to this blood insufficiency, the brain begins to starve for the required oxygen to function, eventually causing brain death. Strokes are identified to be among the most hazardous conditions requiring immediate emergency care. If you ever experience or someone else is experiencing a stroke, make sure to get medical help immediately.
Strokes are categorized into two main types that are:
Strokes usually occur abruptly and often lead to symptoms such as:
Certain factors are there that cause the risk of experiencing a stroke such as:
Heart attack also referred to as a myocardial infarction happens when there is a reduction or stoppage in the blood flow to the heart. It usually happens due to plaque buildup within a blood vessel leading to the narrowed vessels. The obstruction is mainly formed of cholesterol and fat.
One of the noticeable symptoms of a heart attack is chest pain often, experiencing discomfort in the chest’s middle part or the left side of the chest. It feels like a pressure as if something is squeezing, or gives the feeling of fullness, pressure, or throbbing pain. Here are some of the heart attack symptoms that one needs to be aware of:
One of the primary reasons for a heart attack is coronary artery disease and among the main reasons for deaths as well. Other health conditions are increasing the risk of growing heart illnesses or having a heart attack. Here are these conditions:
As per the discussion above about both heart attack and stroke, it is vital to note that they might appear similar but the symptoms for both also vary as they affect different parts of the body. They both are serious clinical emergencies and require immediate doctor’s attention to eliminate the risk. You must get in touch with your doctor as soon as possible if you ever experience the symptoms of a stroke or heart attack.
Certain food items can be involved in your regular habits to prevent a stroke and heart attack. Here are some of the foods that you must incorporate:
There are other ways as well to prevent stroke and a heart attack such as:
Summarizing the write-up, both a stroke and a heart attack are severe clinical emergencies. However, they vary when it comes to their symptoms, causes, and bodily effects. It is vital to know that heart attack occurs due to blocked blood flow in the heart while stroke happens due to disruption of blood flow in the brain. One must seek prompt medical attention if warning signs are experienced. It is essential to raise awareness and endorse education, empowering people so that proactive steps are involved to maintain heart and brain health.
A stroke does not lead to a heart attack as it occurs when there is a disruption in blood flow to the brain, while a heart attack happens when there is a blockage in the supply of blood to the heart.
Yes, stroke can cause brain death because of disruption in the blood flow to the brain. Timely intervention and medical treatment are immediately required to prevent serious complications.
No, both heart attack and stroke are two different conditions affecting the different parts of the body. Stroke affects the brain due to disruption in the blood flow to the brain, whereas heart attack occurs due to obstruction in the supply of blood to the heart.
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