Signs of Heat Exhaustion that You Should not Overlook

Signs of Heat Exhaustion that You Should not Overlook

Cardiac Surgery |by Dr. Subhendu Mandal| Published on 28/05/2022

When it comes to summer, you must have heard words like sunburn or heatstroke before, but today we are going to make you familiar with a new word that many of you would not be familiar with - heat exhaustion. As the name suggests, it is a heat-related illness, caused by long-term exposure to excruciating heat. What happens is that our body heats up and is unable to cool down, as it normally should. As per the experts specializing in coronary angioplasty in Kolkata, one of the most common causes of heat exhaustion tends to be physical exertion during the peak hours of the sun.

Heat exhaustion and your heart

There are many different ways in which heat exhaustion can affect your body, however, its major impact is on your heart. Heart specialists in Kolkata suggest that if the body temperature increases by 1 degree, the heat beats increase by 10 beats more beats every minute. Wondering why this happens? Well, we know that in case of heat exhaustion, the body is not able to cool down. This work is done by the heart by pumping blood to various parts of the body and sweating also plays a crucial role in it. However, when the weather is hot and humid, the sweat does not get absorbed from the surface of your skin, thereby making it difficult for your heart to cool your body. It is not hard to imagine the stress put on your heart when you are exposed to a very high temperature. This excess amount of stress can make it quite difficult for your heart to handle, eventually resulting in a series eventually resulting in serious problems like heart attack and arrhythmia.

What are the symptoms of heat exhaustion that you should not overlook?

Our bodies have a different and unique way of telling us that something is wrong with them. It does this by giving you some signs, commonly refer to as symptoms. As the problem progresses or aggravates, your symptoms tend to worsen. Initially, these are mild and negligible, and this is the reason why many people tend to overlook these. Some such symptoms associated with heat exhaustion that you should never overlook include:

  • Weak pulse
  • Rapid pulse
  • Rise in internal body temperature
  • Muscle weakness and frequent cramps
  • Feeling nauseated
  • Headache and dizziness
  • Cold and pale skin
  • Decrease in blood pressure
  • Lightheadedness
  • Irritability
  • Shallow breathing

Heat exhaustion can also affect children, making them feel tired and thirsty all the time. So if your little one is asking for water frequently, it could be an indication that he/she has heat exhaustion.

It is important to understand that the symptoms could also be associated with other serious conditions and nothing can be concluded without a proper diagnosis. So, it is important to see a doctor as soon as you start experiencing any of these. You can find the best facilities for the same in the leading heart hospital in Kolkata.


It is very important to understand that the risks of heatstroke are higher in some cases and as such you need to take additional care. These include:

  • Highly humid weather
  • Pre-existing liver or kidney problems
  • Rigorous workouts or physical work on a daily basis
  • Underlying ailments like diabetes and hyperglycemia
  • Sustaining crush injuries, in which the affected body part is compressed
  • Use of drugs or excessive drinking
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Use of certain medicines
  • Hypertension
  • Existing heart condition or history of same

Apart from all these factors, age also plays a crucial role with the risk being higher in children below 4 years of age and elderly above 65 years old.

One of the best ways to avoid heat exhaustion is by staying indoors during peak hours and avoiding any kind of rigorous physical activity. You also need to keep yourself hydrated all the time and avoid the sun as much as you can. You have to be very careful with your choice of attire as well and choose clothes that are light in terms of color and material. Cotton clothes are best suited for the summer season, the reason being they allow your skin to breathe, making it easier for the sweat to evaporate. Avoid taking too much. If you have an existing medical condition that can increase your risk of heat exhaustion, go for a regular check-up to make sure that the problem is under control.

If you want to know more about heat exhaustion and how you can bring down the risks of the same, contact the experts from the best heart hospital in Kolkata.

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