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Heart Valve Replacement SurgeryIn Kolkata

What is Heart Valve Replacement Surgery?

Heart valve replacement surgery is a critical procedure carried out for diseased or damaged heart valves that are no longer functional. The tricuspid, aortic, mitral, and pulmonary valves are the four valves in the heart. The proper direction of blood flow through the heart and to the rest of the body is ensured by these valves. Heart failure is one of the major complications that can arise from one or more of these valves if it’s not opening or closing correctly. A prosthetic valve, which can be biological or mechanical, replaces the damaged valve during heart valve replacement surgery. When alternative treatments are no longer able to reduce symptoms or enhance heart function, this potentially life-saving procedure is frequently advised.

If you or your loved one has been advised for heart valve replacement surgery, book your appointment with one of the best surgeons in Kolkata at BM Birla Heart Research Hospital for a successful procedure and to achieve the desired outcomes. 

Benefits of Heart Valve Replacement Surgery

For those with severe valve disease, heart valve replacement surgery is an essential option since it provides several important benefits. Here are some of them:

  • Enhanced Life Quality: Relieves symptoms like exhaustion, chest discomfort, and dyspnea.
  • Preventing Heart Failure: Restoring regular blood flow lowers the chance of developing heart failure.
  • Reduced complications: Lowers the risk of stroke, blood clots, and arrhythmias.
  • Extended Life Expectancy: Provides an opportunity to live a longer, healthier life.

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Why is Heart Valve Replacement Surgery Performed?

When a heart valve disease or serious damage impairs the heart's capacity to pump blood efficiently, heart valve surgery is advised. In the following situations, surgery is recommended:

  • Severe Valve Stenosis: When a heart valve narrows (stenosis), blood flow is restricted.
  • Severe Valve Regurgitation: Regurgitation is the backflow of blood caused by a valve that does not close correctly.
  • Signs that Impact Life Quality: Symptoms that won't go away with medical attention, such as exhaustion, shortness of breath, or chest pain.
  • Risk of Heart Failure: When valve dysfunction causes heart failure or significantly raises the risk of heart failure.
  • Preventing Additional Damage: To avoid problems such as sudden cardiac arrest, blood clots, or arrhythmias.

Cost of Heart Valve Replacement Surgery

Depending on several factors, the cost of heart valve replacement surgery can vary greatly. It includes 

  • the type of valve being replaced, 
  • whether a mechanical or biological valve is chosen, 
  • the hospital where the procedure is done, and 
  • the patient's general health. 

In India, the price usually varies between INR 3 lakhs and INR 6 lakhs. Postoperative treatment, surgical costs, and hospital stay are all included in this. It's crucial to remember that extra treatments or complications during or after the surgery may also have an impact on the cost. Patients should confirm the terms of their coverage with their insurance provider as many insurance policies cover heart valve replacement surgery.

Risks and Complications of Heart Valve Replacement Surgery

Heart valve replacement carries some risks and probable complications, just like any major surgery:

  • Infection and Bleeding: There is a chance of severe bleeding and post-surgical infections.
  • Blood clots: They can happen and can cause major problems like stroke.
  • Anaesthesia Risks: Possible side effects of anaesthesia include trouble breathing.
  • Malfunction of the Valve: In certain cases, the replacement valve may not function as planned.
  • Long-term Risks: Include valve deterioration, especially in biological valves.

Pre-instructions for Heart Valve Replacement Surgery

For heart valve replacement surgery to be successful, proper preparation is essential:

  • Preoperative Testing: An echocardiography, a chest X-ray, and blood tests are requested for the patient.
  • Medication Adjustments: Before surgery, doctors may advise patients to stop taking some medications, particularly blood thinners.
  • Fasting: Must be followed according to the surgeon's instructions or for at least 8 hours before the surgery.
  • Smoking Cessation: It is recommended to give up smoking to improve healing following surgery.

Post-instructions for Heart Valve Replacement Surgery

Following the recommendations for post-operative care is essential for a successful recovery following heart valve replacement surgery:

  • ICU Monitoring: In the ICU, early recovery necessitates careful observation.
  • Pain Management: To ensure comfort and reduce pain, the surgeon prescribes painkillers.
  • Wound Care: To avoid infection, ensure following the proper instructions given by the surgeon and the team to clean the surgical area properly.
  • Increase in Activity Gradually: Under physician supervision, gradually get back to your regular activities.
  • Follow-up Appointments: Essential for keeping an eye on the health of your heart overall and the new valve.
  • Adherence to Medication: Blood thinners, particularly those with mechanical valves, may be administered to prevent clots.

Recovery After Heart Valve Replacement Surgery

Each patient's recovery is unique, however, most can return to normal activities in six to eight weeks:

  • Initial Recovery: Weariness and soreness are common and will go away with time.
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation: Exercise regimens are advised to improve cardiovascular health and strength.
  • Guidelines for the Activity: Observe the physician's recommendations on physical activity.
  • Continued Observation: To keep an eye on heart health and valve function, routine medical exams are necessary.

Why Should You Choose BM Birla Heart Research Center for Heart Valve Replacement Surgery in Kolkata?

BM Birla Heart Research Centre is a super speciality hospital with modern infrastructure and state-of-the-art technology in Kolkata. BM Birla Heart Research Centre is the only hospital offering valvular surgery in the entire Eastern India. With a 200+ bed capacity, cardiac care, atrial fibrillation services, cath labs, and modular OTs, BM Birla Heart Research Centre has made a mark with its singular focus on the treatment of a variety of ailments. Here are a few advantages of choosing BM Birla Heart Research Centre for heart valve replacement surgery in Kolkata -

  • Highly qualified and experienced experts
  • Cutting-edge technology and the latest medical equipment
  • Transparent pricing structure for cost-effective treatment. 
  • Patient-centric high-quality care for a high success rate

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What is the average age for heart valve replacement?

The average range for heart valve replacement is between 60 and 70 years old. The time depends upon individual factors, including the degree of valve disease, general health, and the existence of symptoms. 

What foods should be avoided after heart valve replacement?

It's crucial to stay away from foods heavy in sugar, harmful fats, and sodium after heart valve replacement. To preserve heart health and prevent difficulties, processed foods, fried foods, and excessive alcohol use should also be restricted.

How long does a heart valve replacement last?

A heart valve replacement's lifespan varies. Tissue valves typically last 10–20 years, although mechanical valves can last up to 20 years. The patient's age, general health, and valve type all affect how long they live.

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