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CT Angiography

What Is CT Angiography?

CT angiogram, or CTA, is a diagnostic imaging test that uses computed tomography (CT) scanning to produce detailed images of the blood vessels in various parts of the body. It is commonly used to diagnose and monitor conditions such as aneurysms, blockages, and other problems in the arteries and veins.

While CT angiograms are generally safe and effective, there are some potential side effects and risks that patients should be aware of. If you are scheduled to undergo a CT angiogram, be sure to discuss any concerns or questions you have with your doctor. Contact us to book your appointment with us for a CT angiography procedure.

What Are The Side Effects of CT Angiograms?

CT angiograms carry some risk of side effects and complications like any other procedure. However, these risks are generally low and the benefits of the procedure often outweigh the potential risks. Some of the most common side effects of CT angiograms include - 

  • Allergic Reactions - Some patients may experience an allergic reaction to the contrast dye used during the procedure. Symptoms of an allergic reaction can include hives, itching, swelling, and difficulty breathing. In rare cases, patients may experience a severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis, which can be life-threatening.
  • Kidney Damage - The contrast dye used in CT angiograms can be harmful to the kidneys, particularly in patients with pre-existing kidney problems. Patients with kidney disease or other risk factors for kidney damage may need to take special precautions before and after the procedure to protect their kidneys.
  • Radiation Exposure - CT angiograms involve exposure to ionizing radiation, which can increase the risk of cancer over time. While the amount of radiation used in CT angiograms is generally considered safe, patients who have had multiple CT scans or other radiation-based imaging tests may be at increased risk.
  • Discomfort - Some patients may experience discomfort or pain during the procedure, particularly if they have to lie still for an extended period of time.

How to Read a CT Angiogram?

Reading a CT angiogram involves interpreting the images produced by the CT scanner and identifying any abnormalities or areas of concern. Radiologists and other medical professionals use specialised software to view and manipulate the images, allowing them to examine the blood vessels from multiple angles and perspectives. Some of the key things that medical professionals look for when reading a CT angiogram include - 

  • Blood Flow - CT angiograms provide detailed information about blood flow through the arteries and veins, allowing medical professionals to identify blockages, aneurysms, and other abnormalities.
  • Vessel Diameter - CT angiograms can also be used to measure the diameter of blood vessels, which can help diagnose conditions such as stenosis (narrowing of the blood vessels).
  • Tissue Density - CT angiograms can also provide information about the density of the tissues surrounding the blood vessels, which can be useful in diagnosing certain conditions such as tumours or inflammation.
  • Contrast Enhancement - The contrast dye used in CT angiograms can help highlight areas of abnormal blood flow or other abnormalities.

How To Do Heart CT Angiography?

A heart CT angiography uses specialized X-ray equipment to produce detailed images of the heart and blood vessels. It is used to diagnose and monitor a wide range of heart conditions, including coronary artery disease, heart valve problems, and congenital heart defects. Here are some steps involved in a heart CT angiography -

  • Preparation - Before the procedure, you will be asked to remove any metal objects from your body and to change into a hospital gown. You may also be given a contrast dye, which is typically injected into a vein in your arm or hand to help highlight the blood vessels during the procedure.
  • Positioning - Once you are ready, you will be positioned on a table that slides into the CT scanner. The technologist will help you get comfortable and may place EKG leads on your chest to monitor your heart rate and rhythm during the procedure.
  • Scanning - The CT scanner will take a series of images of your heart and blood vessels, typically using a special type of X-ray called a spiral or helical scan. You will be asked to hold your breath for short periods of time during the scanning process to help reduce movement and ensure clear images.
  • Contrast Injection - If you are receiving a contrast dye, it will be injected into your vein or hand during the scanning process. You may feel a warm sensation or metallic taste in your mouth as the contrast dye circulates through your body.
  • Image Processing - Once the scanning is complete, the images will be processed and analyzed by a radiologist or other medical professional. They will look for any signs of blockages, narrowing, or other abnormalities in the blood vessels or heart.
  • Results - Your healthcare provider will review the results of the heart CT angiography with you and discuss any next steps, such as further testing or treatment.

Why Choose BM Birla Heart Research Centre for CT Angiography in Kolkata?

BM Birla Heart Research Centre is a super speciality hospital with modern infrastructure and state-of-the-art technology in Kolkata. BM Birla Heart Research Centre is the only hospital offering super speciality cardiac care in the entire eastern India. With a 200+ bed capacity, cardiac rehabilitation services, cath labs and modular OTs, BM Birla Heart Research Centre has made a mark with its singular focus on the treatment of a variety of cardiac ailments. Here are a few advantages of choosing BM Birla Heart Research Centre for CT Angiography in Kolkata -

  • Highly qualified and experienced cardiologists
  • Cutting-edge technology and the latest medical equipment
  • Transparent pricing structure for cost-effective treatment. 
  • Patient-centric high-quality care for a high success rate


Anita Das

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