Going Home After a TAVI Surgery

Going Home After a TAVI Surgery

by BMB| Published on 21/05/2021

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    After undergoing TAVI surgery, the next major step is to focus on your rehabilitation. No doubt it is a minimally invasive procedure but this does not mean that you can go back to your daily routine soon after the surgery. It may take a couple of weeks or even months to fully recover from the procedure and there are certain things that are to be kept in mind. It is hard to determine the rate of recovery of a patient and this varies from one person to another. Performed at all the best heart hospitals in Kolkata, TAVI surgery has helped hundreds and thousands of patients. However, one needs to understand that the procedure alone cannot help you and there are certain things that need to be taken care of post-surgery.


    Here are some things that you need to keep in mind, as listed by experts specializing in TAVI surgery.


    Medicine - Undergoing the procedure does not mean that you won't need any medication. Right after the surgery, you will be prescribed certain medication which includes painkillers and antibiotics, to help aid your recovery and the negative risks of any complication. You will also be required to take Clopidogrel to prevent the formation of clots. Your doctor will briefly discuss the medication in detail before you are discharged from the hospital. Make sure you jot it all down so that there is no confusion later. Also, you should not stop any medication on your own and inform your doctor if you are planning for the same.


    Follow-up appointments - Make it a habit to pay regular visits to your doctor, starting a week or two after the discharge. Meet your cardiologist at least once in 2-3 months and discuss the course of recovery. You might also be required to go for certain tests to make sure that the new value is recovering properly as well as its function. Make sure that you get all your queries and concerns addressed when you visit your doctor.


    Site care - People who undergo the transfemoral procedure will have a small opening in their groin, whereas those undergoing transaortic or transapical procedures will have a tiny incision on the sternum or left side of the chest. Usually, the risks of infection are very low in the case of TAVI, yet you need to watch out for signs like redness at the site of the wound, yellow or greenish drainage from the site, fever, chills, and numbness in the lower limbs. In case you experience any of these, immediately inform your doctor.


    Driving - After the procedure, you need to refrain from driving for at least four weeks. If you have been told by your doctor that you cannot drive, even before the surgery, you need to consult him/her and discuss your eligibility for the same. When you get back in the driving seat, make sure you have someone to accompany you for the first few days.


    Activities - While some people believe that one needs to have complete bed rest after the TAVI procedure, others start indulging in rigorous day-to-day activities within a few days. It is important to understand that sitting in your bed all day is not going to help you recover and neither will your indulgence in rigorous activities. Leading TAVI surgeons in Kolkata suggest that different people recover at difficult rates and the level of activity also varies accordingly. The process is gradual and you do not need to rush. Go easy on yourself and start slow.


    These are a few things that are to be taken care of for a speedy recovery. Apart from these, a healthy diet and meditation too can help in boosting the pace of your recovery.

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