Normally, a heart has 3 Aortic Stenosis is a condition marked by severe blockage or obstruction in the aortic valve that may hinder the normal flow of blood from the heart to the aorta. As the valve narrows down, the heart has to work harder to keep the blood flowing to different organs of our body. This can lead to the thickening of the ventricular muscles and give rise to life-threatening complications. TAVI surgery in Kolkata has helped countless patients suffering from aortic stenosis and given them a healthier chance at life. It is pertinent to note that aortic stenosis can be triggered by a number of reasons, however, the good news is that we can significantly lower the risks by adhering to some healthy lifestyle changes.
As per the leading TAVI surgeons in Kolkata, patients suffering from aortic stenosis might not always experience any major symptoms and can even be asymptomatic. The adversity of the symptoms is directly proportional to the adversity of the patient’s condition and these may vary from person to person. Here is a list of a few symptoms that you need to look out for:
Here are 3 major causes of aortic stenosis, as listed by the experts from the best heart hospital in Kolkata.
Congenital heart defect – Congenital heart defects are those that are present since birth, i.e. a child is born with these. Normally, an aortic valve is tricuspid, i.e. it has 3 cusps. However, some children might be born with a bicuspid aortic valve, i.e. one that has only 2 cusps. Having 1 or 4 cusps is quite rare. Children suffering from such problems need to go for regular heart assessments. Though the problem may not cause any major complications until adulthood, certain precautions are to be taken from the very beginning. As the valve continues to become narrow and starts to leak, the patient may need to get it repaired or replaced. This is done surgically via procedures like TAVI.
Excessive build-up of calcium – We all know that calcium is important for our bones but too much of everything is bad. Excessive calcium present in our blood has a tendency to stick to the heart valves and accumulate. This is commonly referred to as aortic valve calcification. Though the calcium deposits do not usually cause a problem until the patient crosses 60 to 70 years of age, for those with a congenital aortic valve defect the problems may start at a younger age.
Rheumatic fever – Rheumatic fever is a complication triggered by strep throat infection in kids. This can lead to the formation of scar tissue on the aortic valve, which not only narrows it down but also promotes calcification. Rheumatic fever can damage multiple valves in more than one way.
Here are a few factors that can increase your risks of developing aortic valve stenosis
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