Some Common Heart Attack Risk Factors

Some Common Heart Attack Risk Factors

by BMB| Published on 22/06/2021

With cardiovascular problems becoming so common nowadays, regular heart check-ups have become the need of the hour. Over the past few years, the incidence of heart attacks has also increased significantly and making it important for everyone to get themselves assessed for the risks of heart attack every now and then. Knowing about your risks and working on the same can surely prove to be helpful in the long run. However, it is important to understand that not all risk factors can be controlled. Pacemaker implant has helped hundreds and thousands of patients suffering from heart attack and the latest advancements, too, have been quite fruitful. But, prevention is always better than cure, and so is knowing and addressing the various risk factors. 

In this blog, we have highlighted some of the common factors that can potentially increase your risk of having a heart attack, with the help of the experts from the best Cardiac Centre in Kolkata

Factors that are beyond one’s control

Age – As we age, our blood vessels also undergo some changes. Regular wear and tear can cause them to become narrow and weak, and even increase the risks of stenosis. Studies and statistics suggest a higher prevalence of heart attack-related mortality in patients above 65 years of age. The risks are higher in males above 45 years of age and females above 55 years of age. Once you cross this age group, it is pertinent to go for regular checkups. 

Gender – Though heart attack is not gender-specific, men are more vulnerable to it as compared to women. In fact, the symptoms, as well as the complications experienced by men are comparatively worse and not just limited to chest pain. 

Genes – Though many diseases can be genetic, very few people know that heart attacks can be genetic too. A brief study of your family history can help to determine your risk of having a heart attack. Regular health checkups are a must if any of your male family members were diagnosed with coronary heart disease before 55 years of age or if your mother or sister were diagnosed with the same before they reached 65 years of age. 

Factors that one can easily control 

Cholesterol – Higher cholesterol levels signify higher risks of a heart attack. However, it is important to know that not all cholesterol is bad. You need to work on bringing down the levels of LDL, which is the bad cholesterol, and elevate the levels of HDL, i.e. good cholesterol. This can be easily done by making healthy lifestyle changes and taking the prescribed medication. 

Diet – Whatever goes inside your body has a direct impact on your heart. Healthy food can help to protect your heart against various diseases and ailments, whereas unhealthy food can increase the risks of the same. The handset is always a better idea to stick to a healthy diet chart. 

Drinking – Your habit of drinking has an adverse impact on your heart too. Drinking large quantities of alcohol can significantly elevate your risks of various heart problems including heart attack. Hence it is very important to drink in moderation. 

Blood pressure – Increased blood pressure compels your heart to work harder than it should and this work overload can cause irreversible damage over time. If you are struggling with hypertension, it is high time you see a doctor and manage the problem with expert care. 

Smoking – Did you know that 1 out of 4 heart attacks is caused by smoking? Whether you believe it or not, smoking is extremely harmful to your heart and blood vessels. The chemicals present in cigarette smoke can severely damage these. Studies have shown that smokers have 2 to 3 times higher risks of heart attack as compared to non-smokers. 

If you want to get yourself evaluated for the risks of heart attack or want to know about various treatment options like implantation of a pacemaker in Kolkata, you can always consult the experts from BM Birla Hospital.

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