Is Aortic Stenosis Putting an Extra Burden on Your Heart?

Is Aortic Stenosis Putting an Extra Burden on Your Heart?

by BMB| Published on 28/07/2022

Did you know that aortic stenosis is the most common and potentially serious valve problem? The incidence of the same increase by 2 percent when you cross 65 years and by 4 percent after you reach 85 years of age. It is marked by the narrowing of the erotic valve which is one of the four valves of the heart, responsible for separating the left ventricle from the aorta. It plays a vital role in allowing the free flow of blood from the heart to the different parts of the body and preventing the backward flow of blood.

While most people associate aortic stenosis with age-related wear, it has been found that some people might have it because of the bicuspid aortic valve, which is a congenital heart defect. The risks of developing aortic stenosis are higher in people who resort to unhealthy lifestyle practices and eating habits.

Now, the question is how aortic stenosis affects the heart. Well, when the aortic valve becomes narrow, it restricts the flow of blood as the opening becomes smaller. As such the oxygen requirements of the body are not met and, to address the same, there is an additional load on the heart which continues to work under more and more pressure. Moderate stenosis can gradually lead to left ventricular failure and increase the myocardial workload.

Symptoms that you need to look out for

Experts from the top cardiac hospital in Kolkata suggest that not all patients suffering from aortic stenosis may experience the symptoms and it is quite possible that one is completely symptomatic. The symptoms become evident only after the blood flow is significantly reduced and include:

  • Severe chest pain or angina
  • Rapid or fluttering heartbeat
  • Breathlessness
  • Feeling dizzy and lightheaded
  • Inability to indulge in any physical activity
  • Oedema, which is marked by swelling in the ankles and feet
  • Inability to fall asleep while lying down

If you are anyone you know has been experiencing the above mention symptoms, it is important to go for proper medical evaluation and treatment.

Alleviating the risks of aortic stenosis:

By now you must have understood how aortic stenosis affects the heart. Let us now try to understand how we can reduce the risks of the same with the help of the experts from the best TAVI surgery hospital in Kolkata. Before we start it is important to know that there are several factors associated with aortic stenosis, that are easily manageable. Although you cannot completely negate the risks, you can alleviate the same by taking necessary precautions. These are:

  • Keep a check on your blood pressure - High blood pressure can put an additional strain on your heart and blood vessels. Studies have shown that nearly 40 percent of patients who have been detected with aortic stenosis have hypertension as well. Hypertension not only increases the risks of aortic stenosis but also speeds up the progress of this potentially serious condition. You can easily manage your blood pressure by taking your medication and resorting to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Keep your cholesterol under control - High cholesterol levels have been associated with a variety of heart diseases and elements including aortic stenosis. Luckily the problem can be easily managed by making necessary amendments to your lifestyle and diet.
  • Refrain from smoking - If you are indulged in the habit it is high time you get rid of it as cigarette smoke contains thousands of chemicals which, if inhaled, can enter the bloodstream and damage the blood vessels. This puts additional strain on the heart, thereby increasing the wear and tear of the aortic valve.
  • Don't let your blood sugar cross the normal range - High blood sugar is not only a risk factor for aortic stenosis but is also known to aggravate the symptoms associated with it by promoting unhealthy inflammation and supporting the build-up of calcium. So you need to make sure that your blood sugar is always in the healthy range.

If you want to know more about aortic stenosis or wish to explore various treatment options available, you can consult experts from the best hospital in Kolkata today.

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