Irregular Heartbeat is known as heart arrhythmias which means that the heart is not beating at its usual rhythm. Generally, heart arrhythmias have a heartbeat that is either slow or fast racing heartbeat that can occur due to any reason; for instance, if you are working out or running or if you are suddenly scared or have a blood pressure issue, such cases are normal but when the irregularity of the heartbeat is constant without any reason then one must seek medical help. People who suffer from heart arrhythmia feel as if their heart has skipped a beat. This is also known as fluttering or the heart is beating too fast or too slow. In all these conditions one requires detailed diagnosis and medical help. In many cases irregular heartbeats are harmless but in emergency situations where the body is exerted or is under some stress or traumatic situation in such cases heart rate can fluctuate and it can lead to heart attack or sudden stopping of the heartbeat.
Heart Arrhythmias are generally silent which means that the person suffering from it does not notice any symptoms or warning signs until there is a condition that triggers it or a condition becomes serious. Usually, people who suffer chest pain or discomfort seek medical help. Proper diagnosis is necessary so that the doctor is able to identify an uneven or irregular heartbeat. In order to take appropriate preventive measures one should know about the symptoms of the heart of symptoms include:
Bradycardia: Bradycardia is a condition in which the heartbeat becomes low as 60 beats per minute. Conditions such as heart block or sick sinus syndrome, congenital heart disease, and sleep apnea cause bradycardia.
Tachycardia: Tachycardia is a condition in which the heart rate becomes fast which can be more than 100 beats per minute. This Rapid heartbeat affects the heart to a great extent especially the way the heart pumps which also affects the blood flow that might also impact the blood vessels that transports blood.
Cause: Heart arrhythmias can be caused due to any reason but still there are a few conditions that increase the risk of having it. Some of them are included as follows:
Treatment: The treatment depends upon the type of heart arrhythmia, the severity of the condition, and the requirement of the patient.
Doctors after diagnosing the condition usually recommend lifestyle changes and dietary changes in order to help the patients. Further, if you are a habitual smoker and consume excessive alcohol, the doctor would ask you to stop smoking and drinking. Furthermore, the doctor prescribes the required medications in order to control the abnormal Heartbeat and control its symptoms. Also, in cases of serious abnormalities, the doctor might recommend medical and surgical procedures such as Catheter ablation, implantation of a pacemaker, electrical shock therapy, or cardioversion and surgery in order to treat the patient.
Rukmani Birla Hospital have best cardiologist in Jaipur and healthcare professionals who have years of experience in treating critical cardiac cases. If you have any cardiac-related issues then contact us for expert assistance and care.
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