Reasons for Constipation & ways to treat

Reasons for Constipation & ways to treat

Gastro Sciences |by Dr. Partha Pratim Bose| Published on 14/11/2022

The kind of lifestyle we humans are living these days is giving rise to countless health conditions. Researchers also suggest that nowadays adults are experiencing more health issues due to their sedentary lifestyle. A very common health issue that most adults come across is related to the stomach. One such health condition is constipation.

If you experience constipation problems often, don’t you are not the only one. Countless people are there finding the right constipation cure. In this write-up, we will include information on constipation so make sure to read it through.

You will find a solution to all your problems related to constipation. Let’s get started with the basics.

What is constipation?

Constipation is a common digestive disorder becoming a primary concern for people across the world. It is essentially affecting the adults and elderly people more than the young generation. Usually, the constipation treatment is simple as it’s one of the mild conditions.

The treatment can be ensured with simple care and by controlling the constipation symptoms at an affordable cost.

Constipation is infrequent bowel movements and it becomes difficult for an individual to pass the stools. It can last for a few days to weeks. However, the problem is common but some people come across chronic constipation affecting their regular schedules.

Constipation treatment depends on the cause only then a doctor can suggest the right medications or treatment.

Types of constipation

There is one type of constipation known as primary and there are three different types of it:

  • Normal transit constipation: It is a condition in which an individual notices that he/she is constipated. The stool consistency is normal and the stools keep moving through the digestive system.
  • Slow transit constipation: In this type of constipation people don’t experience the movement of the bowel normally. It involves moving food through the digestive system slower than usual and stools require more time to pass through the colon.
  • Outlet constipation: It is a condition that happens as a consequence of harm to the muscles of the pelvic floor. In this type of constipation, an individual experiences more difficulty passing the stools.
  • Secondary constipation: It is a type that happens mainly because of a health condition and a side effect of the medicine use.

Is curd good for constipation?

Curd is one of the best Ayurveda gems and is the most effective solution for constipation. If you experience the problem often, make sure to include this dairy item in your daily diet no matter what the reasons for constipation are. It has amazing probiotic qualities that make it best for digestion purposes.

Curd also has some amazing cooling properties. It will help you in soothing the stomach's inner lining. It has all the good bacteria making it best for constipation and gas. You will also make massive improvements in your gut activity. So, make sure to include this dairy item if you are dealing with constipation pain.

What causes constipation?

Several reasons are there for constipation such as lifestyle, medications, medical conditions, and pregnancy. Let’s comprehend them in detail:

Lifestyle causes

Here are the lifestyle causes for severe constipation:

  • Not eating fibre-rich foods.
  • Not drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day.
  • Modifications in daily schedule like sleeping time, and travelling at different times.
  • Including excessive cheese and milk.
  • Taking stress.
  • Trying to resist the need for a bowel movement.

Medications causes

Have a look at the medications causing the effects of constipation:

  1. Using strong medicines for pain such as oxycodone, hydromorphone, codeine, etc.
  2. Including antidepressants containing serotonin reuptake inhibitors such as tricyclic antidepressants.
  3. Consuming iron pills every day.
  4. Involving allergy drugs in your daily routine like antihistamines.
  5. Blood pressure medications contain channel blockers such as nifedipine, verapamil, and beta-blockers such as atenolol.
  6. Psychiatric drugs also cause effects of constipation such as olanzapine and Clozaril.
  7. Anti-nausea and anticonvulsant or seizure drugs also lead to constipation symptoms.

Medical and health conditions causes

Certain medical and health conditions cause constipation pain and related problems. Here are some of them:

  • Individuals with an endocrine problem such as a thyroid gland that is underactive might face the effects of constipation.
  • People having health conditions like diabetes, uremia, hypercalcemia, colorectal cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticular disease, etc. also experience the problem of constipation and gas.
  • If any individual has issues like neurologic disorders involving spinal cord injury come across constipation issues. It also includes stroke, multiple sclerosis, etc.
  • Lazy bowel syndrome is also another condition that involves contraction of the colon poorly and retaining stool.
  • Several organ diseases like scleroderma, amyloidosis, lupus, etc.

Constipation symptoms

If you aren’t certain of constipation symptoms, then don’t get apprehensive and just have a look at the following:

  • If you observe less than three bowel movements within a week, it is a sign of constipation.
  • You will observe your stools that are either dry or hard/lumpy.
  • You will face difficulty while passing the stool or feel pain when trying to pass the stool.
  • You experience cramps and even stomach pain.
  • You are always either nauseous or bloated.
  • Lastly, the very obvious sign you are very well aware that you are not emptied even after a bowel movement.

How to treat constipation?

If you are finding the constipation treatment, look no further as here we give you the varied options helpful in treating the problem:

Over-the-counter medications

When home remedies are not useful for constipation treatment, a doctor will prescribe over-the-counter medications. These medications are stimulants, stool softeners, osmotic agents like milk of magnesia, and fibre supplements.

Prescription drugs

If you experience problems with constipation, then your doctor will also prescribe other medications. They can recommend drugs like lubiprostone- which helps in increasing the levels of fluid in the intestine. Linaclotide and plecanatide benefit in making bowel movements often for individuals experiencing constipation for a long time.

Other constipation treatments

There are other constipation treatments available like an enema, a procedure for removing faeces to offer relief, surgery for the blockage removal, biofeedback therapy for retaining the muscles, and IBS treatment for a long-term condition.

How to prevent constipation?

Try the following tips to prevent constipation:

  • Firstly, make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
  • Restrict intake of alcohol and caffeine in your daily life.
  • Ensure eating foods that are rich in fiber or include fibre supplements.
  • Involve yourself in daily exercise for around 30 minutes every day.
  • You can also include bran cereal in your daily diet.

Final thoughts:

It is important to speak openly and truly with your healthcare provider when discussing your movements of the bowel. You must ask questions without any hesitation. Pooping is a natural process of the human body and should be done on a regular basis. Constipation is a temporary condition, but if it is a long-term issue then it can indicate some serious problems.

So, reach out to your doctor essentially when you notice a change in your pattern of bowel movement.


How long is too long to be constipated?

The usual bowel length of bowel movements entirely depends on a human to human. Normally, it is one-two times a day whereas others might have them a few times a week. If constipation lasts more than 3 days consecutively then it is too long. You must consider giving a visit to a doctor to rule out any chances of serious health concerns.

Do bananas help you poop?

Yes, bananas include fibre content and help in preventing constipation. It helps in soft stools and enhances stool movement through your digestive system.

How should I lay to relieve constipation?

If you want relief from constipation, then lay down placing a pillow between your knees. Secondly, hold one pillow supporting your spine.

What can happen if constipation goes untreated?

Generally, constipation doesn’t pose any serious health issue but if it is left untreated then it can cause serious health issues. It can cause the problem of haemorrhoids also known as piles, incontinence in the bowels, and faecal impaction. So, delay your visit to the doctor if the problem lasts for more than three weeks.

How much water one must drink to relieve constipation?

If you want to get relief from constipation, then you must at least drink more than 8-10 glasses of water a day. Make sure to restrict your intake of alcohol and caffeinated drinks.

Can constipation make you sick?

Yes, people who experience constipation frequently can get sick. They feel nauseous and experience vomit as well because constipation slows down their digestive tract and food becomes hard to digest.

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