Department Of Pulmonology

The Department of Pulmonology at CMRI Hospital Kolkata is dedicated to providing the most advanced clinical evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment services to patients suffering from a vast spectrum of lung diseases and ailments. The Department provides state-of-art medical services for conditions like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, critical care and infectious diseases. 
The department brings together a team of highly skilled professionals with years of expertise in the field of respiratory medicine and advanced pulmonary care. The team is backed by leading-edge innovations and best-in-class modalities.

Pulmonology Services Offered:-

CMRI Kolkata is committed to offering comprehensive cutting is Pulmonology care under one roof. Various services offered by the department include:

  • Respiratory Intensive Care and step-down unit with trained intensivist and best-in-class equipment

  • Diagnostic and interventional pulmonology, include facilities like fiber optic and rigid bronchoscopy, thoracoscopy,  hot & cold endobronchial procedures, and stent placement. 
  • Advanced lung function services include spirometry, lung volumes, transfer factor, impulse oscillometry, exhaled nitric oxide, mouth pressure measurement, and a 6-minute walk test. 
  • Sleep services, including sleep apnea and AMP
  • Flight assessment clinic to assess the fitness of patients who are planning to fly with a chronic lung ailment. 
  • Specialty clinic for asthma,  AMP, allergies, Pulmonology rehabilitation, lung cancer and respiratory diseases

State-of-the-art pulmonary facilities:-

  • Patient services: Daily OPDs and specialized clinics, that include asthma clinics, sleep clinics, Infectious clinics, and Smoking Cessation clinics are held periodically.
  • Infectious diseases clinics: Specialized infectious disease clinics are conducted to provide expert care to patients suffering from various tropical diseases like malaria, typhoid, dengue, fever, influenza, tuberculosis, retroviral disease, and other viral illnesses. The team works in coordination with one hospital infection control committee and microbiologist to formulate customized antibiotic protocols and advise vaccination for adults as per individual requirements.
  • Bronchoscopy Suite: Bronchoscopy and thoracoscopy are performed with a video scope under appropriate monitoring facilities. Bronchoscopy is a technique of examining the airways for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. All precautions are taken to ensure the safety and comfort of the patient. The department also is equipped with end bronchial ultrasound (EBUS), which helps in improving their diagnostic capabilities for diseases localized beyond the airways.
  • Bronchoscopy: This is performed using a world-class video bronchoscopy, which is much superior to flexible bronchoscopy. It provides sharp, magnified images and captures minute details. It allows multiple images to be examined together and video recordings to be performed which can be shared with patients.
  • Medical Thoracoscopy: This procedure is conducted to visualize the pleural space (the space between the lungs and the chest wall). It helps in the evaluation of fluid (pleural effusion) or air collection (Pneumothorax) in this space and provides a diagnosis instantly in most cases. Its diagnostic accuracy approaches 100% and allows biopsies to be taken under direct vision. It allows instant drainage at the fluid/ air and provides immediate relief to the patient.
  • Sleep Lab: With increasing obesity and a sedentary lifestyle, sleep disorders are becoming a common problem. Amongst various types of sleep disorders, the most common is obstructive sleep apnoea which usually coexists with hypertension, ischemic heart disease, congestive heart failure, stroke, and diabetes. Usually, the patients complain of loud snoring, noisy breathing during sleep, choking sensation during sleep, frequent waking up in the night, morning headaches, and excessive daytime sleepiness.
  • The Pulmonology team is specially trained in managing such patients. Overnight sleep studies and multiple sleep latency and wakefulness tests are performed in the state-of-the-art sleep lab. The department also boasts of a portable sleep lab system. We have highly trained and experienced sleep Technologists, who have received specialized training in the file of Sleep disorders.
  • PFT Lab: Advanced Pulmonology Function Tests like diffusion studies and exercises tolerance tests can be efficiently performed at our PFT lab.
  • Pulmonary Rehabilitation: The division runs a modern Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program for chronic and disabling respiratory illnesses like advanced Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Interstitial Lung Disease. Patients are taught respiratory muscle exercise, Chest physiotherapy and breathing techniques. Patients are also subjected to a thorough nutritional assessment and advised accordingly.
  • Intensive Care Unit: An 11 bedded state-of-the-art ICU Is an integral part of the department that provides advanced world-class care to critically ill patients. It is fully equipped with modern ventilators and advanced monitoring facilities.
  • It is manned by some of the most skilled and dedicated nursing staff, with fully trained doctors available round-the-clock. Personalized care with a human touch is provided to all patients.
  • DNB program: It is one of few centers amongst the various private hospitals to be successfully running a DNB program for postgraduate students.

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