Know Everything About Upset Stomach In Winter & Ways to Get Relief

Know Everything About Upset Stomach In Winter & Ways to Get Relief

Gastro Sciences |by Dr. Partha Pratim Bose| Published on 14/11/2022


Changes in cold temperatures at the end of the year mark the beginning of the festive season which is followed by savouring delicacies. But a temperature drop can also cause mild abdominal cramps and pain among individuals. This is mostly associated with unhygienic eating habits and rapid changes in temperatures.

Many of us often complain of an upset stomach in winter which is followed by cold and other Gastroenterology conditions. While we also change our diet and avoid certain foods, there are good chances we can avoid an upset stomach. Let us explore more and find out how you can manage your gastro health during the winter.

What are the causes of an upset stomach in winter?

There are a number of reasons for an upset stomach in winter depending on the age, gender or any other existing medical condition. Since the digestive system becomes more active in winter, cold food, and spicy foods, can reduce the stimulation of gastric fluids. In addition, cold foods may cause contraction and poor blood circulation which can result in indigestion.

Doctors often suggest dietary restrictions and other home remedies which can help you manage pain and spasm in the belly. Here are some measures you can inculcate in your daily routine to prevent an upset stomach in winters.

  • Unhealthy eating habits: One of the primary reasons for indigestion include improper eating habits. This usually leads to dyspepsia (an uncomfortable feeling of fullness in the upper abdomen). Individuals with similar conditions may feel nauseated, bloated and experience cramping and heartburn. This is generally due to the following reasons:
    • Eating in large amounts can make you uncomfortable full and cause indigestion. Also, consuming excess alcohol, tobacco products, and junk food can affect your digestion and cause an upset stomach, especially in winter.
    • Encouraging a low-fibre diet can cause bloating, gas and cramps. This is mostly because it becomes difficult for your body to digest.
    • A diet containing excess sugar can be difficult for your intestines to absorb which can cause gas.
    • A high-fat diet can slow down digestion and cause gas. Also, eating a high-fat diet can increase the risk of other cardiovascular diseases and so must be avoided.
  • Medical condition: Winter season is a season of flu, allergies, and other contagious diseases. Being around a group of people can lead to medical illness which can affect digestion. You may intake certain pathogens which can lead to an upset stomach. Common medical conditions which can cause an upset stomach are:
    • Stomach flu (gastroenteritis)
    • Food poisoning
    • COVID-19

How to prevent an upset stomach in winter?

Preventing an upset stomach mostly involves encouraging a balanced diet and consuming hot and warm food. Since our digestive tract is sensitive during cold weather, it is important to encourage selective meals which can help your body digest easily. You can also talk to your dietitian to help you choose a diet that is high in calories and does not cause indigestion. Here are some common measures that you can do to prevent an upset stomach in winter:

  • Eat seasonal vegetables like carrots, potatoes, beetroot, turnip, etc.
  • Avoid eating cold and raw food.
  • Drink hot tea or a warm beverage.
  • Add a bit of ghee to your diet to promote healthy bacteria in your gut.
  • Encourage spices (ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, clove, etc.)
  • Do minimal exercise daily.
  • Go for regular health checkups with the doctor.

How to treat an upset stomach in winter?

Treatment for an upset stomach can vary depending on how severe the condition is. People may try different home remedies for stomach aches which can help manage pain and discomfort. Since the diet is a primary reason for stomach disorders, here are some home remedies that can help you manage an upset stomach in winter.

  • Black Pepper
  • Fenugreek
  • Salt & Water
  • Aloe Vera Juice
  • Cardamom
  • Pomegranate


Why does my stomach get upset in the winter?

The most common reason for an upset stomach in winter can be a rapid change in temperature which can cause abdominal cramps and pain. Since the digestive tract becomes more active in winter, a specific diet and choice of food can also progress stomach illness.

Can cold weather lead to an upset stomach?

Yes, cold weather can result in an upset stomach. Cold or stale food usually leads to indigestion and other stomach illness due to poor blood circulation and must be avoided.

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