Do you tend to bruise easily or experience abdominal pain and swelling often? If yes, then you must get yourself checked for liver disease. These symptoms are often because of the growing liver disease. The liver is a metabolic powerhouse in the human body, playing an important role in maintaining overall health and well-being. However, unfortunately, due to constant lifestyle changes and hectic work-life schedules, the cases of liver diseases are growing rapidly. It has become a concern nowadays, affecting millions of people across the globe.
If you suspect that you might have liver disease, make sure to book your appointment with one of the best gastroenterologists in Kolkata, at the Calcutta Medical Research Institute. The qualified and highly experienced healthcare professionals will ensure the proper diagnosis and treatment solution that’s suitable for you.
Additionally, in this blog, we will try to cover everything related to liver diseases, like their causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options. Please note that this write-up is for informative purposes, and we do not promote overlooking the gastroenterologist’s consultation in any way.
The human liver is a large and strong organ performing a countless number of important functions in the body. One of the primary functions is to filter out all the toxins from the blood. Since the liver functions as a filter, it becomes susceptible to the toxins in its processes even if it is well-resourced for the job. Excessive toxins lead to overpowering your resources and efficiency to function properly. This can take place for a while or might continue for life.
When healthcare experts mention liver disease, they are often denoting chronic conditions that are progressing and damaging the liver over time. The liver has amazing regenerative powers, however, but continuous functioning actively to reinstate itself sometimes takes a toll, and it ends up not keeping up.
Liver disease progression is roughly categorized into four stages that include:
It is hard to notice liver disease symptoms initially but they do happen and it is important not to overlook them. Here are some of the common symptoms of liver disease:
More than a hundred types of liver disease are there, however, they plunge into a handful of subtypes. Here are some of the main liver disease causes:
A healthcare expert checking for liver disease will start by physically assessing the patient. They check for noticeable signs and ask about the patient’s symptoms. They also gain information related to the patient’s diet, lifestyle, and health history including medical history. Once the information is obtained, following tests and imaging scans are prescribed to diagnose liver diseases. Here are these tests:
Most types of liver diseases have particular clinical treatments. For instance, antivirals help in treating viral hepatitis, whereas corticosteroids and immunosuppressants cure autoimmune illnesses. In the majority of cases, with constant lifestyle changes liver diseases can be reversed. One of the best ways is to reduce the toxic burden on the liver as it is essential for most liver disease types and also for people with excess fat storage, alcohol addiction, and other toxins.
Early diagnosis is an important step to treat liver disease effectively before it damages the body permanently. Regrettably, not every patient is lucky enough to detect liver disease initially so that it can be reversed. If you are diagnosed with liver failure or cirrhosis, you might require further treatments for complications such as portal hypertension or liver cancer. However, the only option often is a liver transplant, recovery becomes difficult with cirrhosis or liver failure.
Here are certain lifestyle changes that can help in reversing liver diseases:
The liver plays an important role in maintaining the overall well-being or health of humans. When it gets sick, it hugely impacts the body in numerous ways. The effects on the liver are not noticed until they become serious or complicated or reach an advanced stage. It is essential to be mindful of the things that can cause harm and try to avoid them. Make sure to go for frequent health check-ups so that if there are any risks of liver disease, it can be reversed initially. You don’t have to be apprehensive if diagnosed with liver disease, all you need to do is work with your doctor and follow recommended lifestyle changes.
The position of a liver is in the abdominal cavity’s upper-right hand portion under the diaphragm on the kidneys, intestines, and stomach. It appears like a cone and is a dark-red brown organ weighing around three kilometers.
You must notice the color of your urine if it is dark and your bowel movements are irregular, you must understand that the liver is not functioning correctly.
A damaged liver can lead to severe complications such as bleeding and increased pressure in the brain. It is a life-threatening situation that requires prompt medical attention.
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