Total hip replacement: An easy understanding

Total hip replacement: An easy understanding

Orthopedics & Joint Replacement |by Dr. Golam Hashib| Published on 27/05/2021

Hip replacement is a popular orthopaedic procedure that is recommended to patients with an arthritic hip. It is the last resort of treatment when non-invasive options like medication and alternate therapies fail to give relief from pain and other symptoms. Procedures like hip and knee replacement in Kolkata, have helped thousands of patients to get back to a normal and pain-free life. Over 70,000 hip replacement procedures are performed every year in India alone.


Let us first try to understand what Arthritis is and how it affects the hips.


Well, arthritis is not a condition but an umbrella term used for a variety of conditions marked by the gradual wear and tear or degeneration of the joints. Normally the joint surface is very smooth and designed to allow pain-free movement. However, Arthritis can cause this smooth surface to wear out, thereby allowing the bones to rub against each other. This can lead to immense pain and discomfort. Experts from the best multispeciality hospital in Kolkata suggest that Arthritis can be the result of a variety of factors but it can be quite difficult to determine the exact cause. In the majority of cases, it is linked with it should be related to wear and tear, commonly referred to as osteoarthritis.


It is pertinent to note that although arthritis is one of the major indications of hip replacement, it is not the only one. There are many other factors that can damage the hip joint and call for the need for a hip replacement. We have listed a few of these with the help of experts specializing in hip replacement in Kolkata.


  • Congenital or childhood disorders like dislocated hip,  Perthes disease, slipped epiphysis, etc.


  • Growth abnormality involving the hip


  • Excessive strain or overuse of the joint


  • Loss of blood supply to the joint


  • Chronic infection involving the joint


  • Disorders related to the connective tissue


  • Stagnant lifestyle and obesity


  • Inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis


How is an arthritic hip different from a normal hip?


In an arthritic hip, the cartilage lining is much thinner than a normal hip. In extreme cases, it might even be absent.


The capsule of the affected hip is swollen, however, the degree of damage and inflammation varies depending on the stage and type of arthritis. The joint space is very irregular, or even narrow, which is quite evident on an x-ray. Hip Arthritis is often marked by the presence of bone spurs, that time to develop along the edges of the joint. As a result of all these, an arthritic hip tends to be very stiff, with a limited range of motion.


What are the indications of total hip replacement?


It is important to note that, although hip replacement is a very popular procedure it is not recommended to every patient. Doctors initially resort to the use of non-conservative treatment options like medication and therapies. These however do not work effectively in extreme cases, where the damage is chronic and irreversible. There are certain criteria and indications that suggest that you might need a hip replacement. These include:


  • Arthritis, that is confirmed on x-ray


  • Pain and inflammation that is not responding well to conservative treatments


  • Inability to take part in day-to-day activities due to limited range of motion.


  • Pain that makes it difficult for your to sleep at night


In order to make sure that you are the right candidate, you will be required to undergo a series of tests for precise evaluation. You may be required to go for immediate surgery or asked to wait for a few months depending upon the adversity of your condition.

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