Know Why Your Knee Pain in Winter & Ways to Prevent

Know Why Your Knee Pain in Winter & Ways to Prevent

Orthopedics & Joint Replacement |by Dr. Rakesh Rajput| Published on 14/11/2022


As the winter approaches, a drop in the temperature is usually followed by significant orthopedic challenges. Many patients suffering from arthritis and other joint injuries often experience increased knee pain in the winter season. While the exact cause of pain is still under discussion, we have gathered enough information regarding the effects of cold weather on knee pain.

Why does knee pain in the winter season?

Common causes of pain in the knee during winter are associated with injuries and cold weather. Patients suffering from knee injuries or any past trauma can experience increased pain. It is mostly because the muscles have to exert extra effort to execute the tasks which can lead to tissue damage.

There are certain physical conditions such as Patellar Tendonitis, Runner’s Knee, etc. that can contribute to the sudden knee pain in winter. In addition, a lack of vitamin D can also increase tenderness which eventually results in increased discomfort and pain.

In such scenarios, you may consult the doctor for medications to help you eliminate the pain.

What are the causes of knee pain during winter?

There are several shreds of evidence that support the possibility of knee pain in winter. Here are some possible causes of knee pain due to changes in the weather:

  • Barometric Pressure: It is one of the primary factors contributing to knee pain during cold weather. Barometric pressure constitutes the weight of air surrounding us. However, during the cold season, the air pressure falls which leads to the expansion of the muscles and ligaments in the knee causing pain and stiffness.
  • Cold and Humidity: Cold and humid climate contributes to the plummeting barometric pressure which influences the cellular structure of the bones around the knees. As a result, the patient may experience a feeling of expansion and contraction which can cause pain and discomfort.
  • Nerve Sensitivity: Nerve sensitivity is another reason people experience sudden knee pain in winter. Patients with knee injuries usually experience symptoms of inflammation, adhesions and scarring. The nerves in knee joints become sensitive due to low temperatures which can trigger the sensitivity.
  • Thickening of Joint Fluids: The fluid in our knees absorbs shock during any impact which prevents the knee from getting injured. However, during cold weather, the fluid begins to thicken which inhibits the flow and causes stiffness.
  • Inactivity: Most people generally experience pain in the knee during winter due to inactivity. People tend to remain indoors due to cold weather which can impact joint function. There are several techniques that can help aged patients stay physically active and prevent knee pains.

How can you avoid pain in the knee during winter?

While some individuals have a long-term commitment to staying active which can increase the risk of wear and tear around the knee. Moreover, chronic stress on the knee can lead to osteoarthritis. Nonetheless, there are some ways to reduce knee pain, especially when it’s cold outside:

  • Stay warm by wearing woollen clothes especially when you’re outside. Encouraging moist heat can boost circulation and loosen the muscles. In addition, a warm bath can also help ease knee pain.
  • Encourage minimal physical activity if you’re staying indoors. Regular knee exercises and yoga can make the bones and muscles around your knees stronger and prevent the risk of osteoarthritis. A swim in the heated pool can ease stiffness and help you feel relaxed.
  • Avoid lifting heavy objects that can put pressure on the knees. For patients with osteoarthritis, doctors often suggest viscosupplementation to lubricate the knee and improve cushioning properties. You can also do a little stretching to reduce joint stiffness and maintain mobility.
  • Eat a healthy diet to maintain weight and avoid extra stress on the knees. Avoid sugary, processed food, saturated fat, etc. to minimize inflammation. Also, drinking plenty of water can help ease knee pain in winter.



Does knee pain increase in winter?

Yes, most orthopedic patients with knee injuries experience increased knee pain in winter. In case you are experiencing pain and discomfort around the knee area, get in touch with a doctor for timely treatment.

Is walking good for knee pain?

Yes, minimal walking and yoga. can encourage physical activity which can decrease the risk of inflammation and improve joint motion.

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