What To Expect Right After Knee Replacement Surgery - All You Need To Know

What To Expect Right After Knee Replacement Surgery - All You Need To Know

Orthopedics & Joint Replacement |by Dr. Ajay Kumar Goel| Published on 05/04/2022


Have you recently undergone knee replacement surgery? Then you may expect to go on for that early morning jog or play your favorite tennis game. However, returning to your daily activities takes time. The post-surgery care for your new knee joint is just as important as the operation itself. And for getting a successful outcome and faster recovery, you need to cooperate as much as possible. Here we have discussed some suggestions and instructions with the best joint replacement surgeon in Kolkata that will make your recovery easy and hassle-free. 

What are the activities that you should do after knee replacement surgery?

 The hospital stay after surgery:

Your hospital stay will usually last 1 to 4 days, depending on how quickly you recuperate. If your knee replacement is done as an outpatient procedure, you will be able to go home the same day.
But before getting discharged from the hospital, your doctor will assess your overall health condition. They will also keep an eye on your progress like-


  • Whether you are being able to get out of bed without anyone’s help or not.
  • Ability to use the washroom 
  • Ability to perform various prescribed exercises
  • Able to walk a stair or two with the help of handrails 
  • Ability to walk on the same level surface with the help of a walker or crutches

If you are unable to meet these objectives, it may be risky for you to return home immediately after discharge. If this is the case, you may be sent to a rehabilitation or skilled nursing facility for a period of time.

Pain management:

As the best joint replacement surgeon in Kolkata, your medical personnel will collaborate with you to lessen your discomfort and speed up your recovery. We'll talk with you about which type of pain medication is best for your situation.

Exercise therapy:

Our physiotherapists will work closely with you to design workouts that target specific regions of your knee in order for you to be able to walk as soon as possible after surgery. This is significant because individuals who can exercise their knee after surgery heal faster and have better outcomes than those who cannot.

Recovery when you are at home:

A major part of your successful treatment outcome will be determined by how closely you follow your doctor's advice and instructions.
On your journey to recovery, you'll discover that exercise is important to ensuring a thorough recovery and getting you back to the activities you once liked.

  •  Prepare a ‘recovery area’ by keeping the frequently used items within your reach. 
  •  Avoid using stairs for at least 2 weeks after surgery.
  •  Make sure that handrails are placed properly in your house and use those if you need to use stairs.
  •  Don’t keep any loose electrical cords or ropes lying around the perimeter of your ‘recovery area’.
  •  Purchase a good chair with a firm seat, a higher-than-average seat height, and a footstool for periodic leg elevation.
  •  In the bathroom, install a shower chair, a grasping bar or handrail, and a raised toilet seat.

When to contact your surgeon after knee replacement surgery:

The complication rate following a knee replacement is minimal. However, sometimes complications may arise and delay or prevent full recovery. The hospital personnel will discuss any potential complications or problems that may arise as the warning signals of any developing infection or a blood clot.
You should watch out for the following symptoms that may indicate a developing infection and contact your surgeon as soon as possible (if you have noticed any of these)


  • Persistent high fever
  • Fever with chills
  • Swelling around the area
  • Redness, and tenderness around the wound
  • Unbearable and increased pain 
  • Drainage (pus) from the wound

You should follow all the above-mentioned instructions for at least a few months after surgery.   And if you wish to know more about the same, you can always consult us at CMRI hospital for joint replacement in Kolkata. As we believe in empowering our patients by providing them with the necessary information and counseling on their health.

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