What To Do After Knee Replacement Surgery - A Guide For Patients

What To Do After Knee Replacement Surgery - A Guide For Patients

Orthopedics & Joint Replacement |by CMRI| Published on 07/04/2022


If you have recently undergone a successful knee replacement surgery, then you may encounter pain or discomfort while your journey to recovery. Taking care of your new knee joint after surgery is as important as the surgery itself, especially the first few months after treatment is crucial. Wish to know more about some DOs and DON’Ts after surgery? Here we have discussed some of these with the help of the top knee replacement surgeon in Kolkata. 

You should be able to resume your previous level of activity in due course. Even so, you must proceed with caution to avoid injuring your new knee replacement.

Following are some Dos and Don’ts that will help you to recover:

Sitting after knee replacement-


  •      Avoid sitting in the same position for more than 45 to 60 minutes at a time.
  •     Maintain a straight line with your feet and knees, not turning in or out. Your knees should be stretched out or bent as directed by your therapist.
  •     Sit in a chair with a solid back and armrests. Avoid stools, couches, soft chairs, rocking chairs, and low-slung chairs after your surgery.
  •     When rising up from a chair, scoot toward the edge of the chair and support yourself with the chair's arms, your walker, or crutches.

While using stairs-

  •     When climbing stairs, take the first step with the leg that did not have surgery and while descending downstairs, take the first step with the limb that has had surgery.
  •     You may need to go up and down the stairs one step at a time until your muscles become stronger.
  •     Hold on to the handrails or the holders along the stairwell for support.
  •     Before undergoing surgery, ensure that your banisters are in good shape. 
  •     For the first two months after surgery, avoid long flights of stairs.

While getting dressed-

  •     Wearing your jeans while standing up is not a good idea. Sit on a chair or the edge of your bed to increase your stability.
  •     Use gadgets that allow you to dress without bending too far, such as a reacher, elastic shoelaces, or a sock assist.
  •     Put pants, socks, or pantyhose on the leg that had surgery first.
  •     When you're getting undressed, start from the side that did not have surgery.

While riding a car-

  •     Long automobile rides should be broken up. Every 45 to 60 minutes, come to a halt, get out, and walk around.
  •     While driving, perform some simple exercises, such as ankle pumps. This reduces the likelihood of blood clots.
  •     Keep pain relievers with you prior to your journey.

While getting out of the car or vehicle-

  •     Ask someone to assist you in lifting your legs out of the car, and then turn your body. Don’t try to lift your legs on your own.
  •     Lean forward and scoot.
  •     Use your crutches or walker to help you rise up while standing on both legs. 

While walking- 

  •     Use crutches or a walker until your provider says it is safe to discontinue, which is usually 4 to 6 weeks after surgery. Only use a cane if your physician says it's okay.
  •     Only apply the amount of weight on your knee that your doctor or physical therapist prescribes.
  •     When turning, take modest steps. Try not to rotate on the operated-on limb. Your toes should be pointing forward.
  •     Put on shoes with nonslip soles. When walking on damp or uneven ground, take it gently. Wearing flip-flops can be dangerous because they are slippery and can lead you to tumble.

Lying down-

  •     Lie completely flat on your back. This is an excellent time to perform your knee exercises.
  •     When lying down, do not place a pad or pillow behind your knee. When resting, it is important to keep your knee straight. Keep your knee straight if you need to raise or elevate your leg.

If you have any more queries related to the same, feel free to consult our experts practicing in the best knee replacement hospital in Kolkata. As we believe to empower our patients with the right knowledge and proper guidance when it comes to their health. 

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