Scoliosis is a medical condition often characterised by an unusual curve of the spine. This curve can resemble a C shape if your spine curves to the left and an S shape if it curves to the right. Although it can affect individuals of any age group, it is commonly diagnosed in children during their growth years. According to a study by the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, nearly 2%–3% of people around the world are affected by scoliosis. Scoliosis can be mild with no visible symptoms, or it can be severe in some cases; therefore, early detection and timely intervention are crucial. Having a fair understanding of scoliosis and its timely treatment can help you effectively manage this condition and improve quality of life. If you're experiencing any such problem, don't ignore it. Contact orthopedic specialist at CMRI Hospital, Kolkata today for expert consultation and treatment.
While mild scoliosis may not have visible symptoms, however, some individuals may experience
The cause of scoliosis depends on the type of scoliosis and may include
Scoliosis is a progressive condition that can get worse over time if left untreated. Early detection of scoliosis allows the individual to avail timely treatment, which helps in its effective management and better quality of life. The individual suffering from mild scoliosis may not require extensive treatment, but to prevent the condition from becoming severe, proper care is crucial. There are multiple advantages of timely intervention, such as:
If the scoliosis curve increases, it can lead to other complications such as chronic pain, breathing issues, and low self-esteem due to physical changes in your body. Therefore, regular monitoring with a healthcare professional, especially in the growth phase of children, can facilitate timely diagnosis and treatment of this problem.
If scoliosis is not detected or treated in early stages, it can lead to the following problems:
These risks can be significantly reduced, and the person suffering from scoliosis can lead a quality life if treated before the problem gets severe.
Scoliosis is a condition that needs early detection and treatment. This is particularly crucial in the case of growing children. Many times, symptoms of scoliosis are not visible. Therefore, proper screening and regular check-ups are required. If you find any noticeable signs of uneven posture or back discomfort in yourself or your child, then you must consult a doctor. Early detection is a key that opens up better and multiple options for you to manage this condition. Being aware and following a proactive approach will help you lead a better and more quality life.
Scoliosis often occurs during adolescence, typically in the growth ages between 10 and 15.
Mild scoliosis usually does not cause pain. However, as the curve increases, individuals can start having back pain.
Yes, exercises such as physical therapy can help improve posture, muscle strength, and flexibility. But you should get proper treatment from a health professional.
Scoliosis can run in families, especially idiopathic scoliosis, suggesting a genetic component, but the exact hereditary patterns are still not fully understood.
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