Though asthma mortality rates in India have seen a considerable decline over the years, the numbers still cannot be overlooked. Affecting near about 2 percent of the adult population and 6 percent of children, asthma is an incurable ailment marked by severe breathing difficulty. The condition is caused by the narrowing or swelling of the airways or excessive production of mucus. For some, it might not be a big deal, but for others, it can prove to be life-threatening. As per the experts specializing in asthma treatment in Kolkata, small children and infants are at higher risk of developing asthma. This is due to the fact that their airways are comparatively smaller and also, they are more prone to respiratory infections.
Though asthma cannot be treated, the problem can be effectively managed with proper care and guidance which is offered by the best children’s asthma doctors. For this, you need to identify the symptoms, which is only possible with the right awareness and knowledge. It is pertinent to note that the symptoms may vary from one child to another and your little one does not necessarily need to experience all of these.
Even if your child is experiencing any of these symptoms, you cannot reach any conclusion by yourself, without getting him/her evaluated. You can find some of the best pulmonologists in Kolkata who can help you with the same.
Although childhood asthma is very common, it is quite difficult to diagnose in most cases. Hence it is very important to watch out for the risk factors, which include the following;
If your child falls in the risk category, it is important to follow all the preventive measures and keep your little one away from all the triggers. Since you cannot expect little children to do such things on their own, it is your duty, being a parent, to plan things out:
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