7 Common Reasons for Neck Pain and How to Deal with Them?

7 Common Reasons for Neck Pain and How to Deal with Them?

Orthopedics & Joint Replacement |by Dr. Rakesh Rajput| Published on 26/07/2022


Neck pain has become a common problem for most of us. This rarely indicates a serious health issue, but we should still pay attention to it. According to a survey, it was discovered that more than five million people search for neck pain on a monthly basis. This is not a small number to be overlooked. One of the primary reasons for neck pain is due to wrong posture or overuse of the wrong sleeping position. There are multiple reasons that can cause neck pain. Neck pain doesn’t usually pose any serious risk to the health but it can be an indication of an injury like whiplash or an underlying disease. In order to treat such pain effectively, it is important to understand the underlying medical condition causing it. 

Here in this blog, we are going to include a comprehensive discussion on neck pain causes and how you can deal with them. Please know that the information given below is completely based on our research and we do not in any way interfere with the healthcare professional’s consultation. You can book your appointment with The Calcutta Medical Research Institute, one of the best multispeciality hospitals in Kolkata. They offer the finest patient care and exceptional healthcare services.

What is Neck Pain?

Neck pain is also known as cervicalgia and is a problem that causes pain in and around the neck beneath your head. The human neck is also referred to as a cervical spine. So, if you experience neck pain then it can be a reflection of varied injuries and any kind of clinical condition. You must have observed that you experience pain in the neck or a pain shooting into other areas as well like your arms or shoulder. Neck pain can be chronic or acute and might last from days to weeks, often it can last more than three months for some individuals. 

Even if neck pain doesn’t indicate any serious health issue, it can disrupt your regular schedules and decline the quality of life mainly if it is left untreated. Luckily, the causes of neck pain are not very serious and might improve with various conservative treatment options such as pain medications, stress management, and exercise.

What are the Symptoms of Neck Pain?

Neck pain varies from person to person as some might experience it for days to weeks, while for some it might last more than three months. Neck pain symptoms are also not similar for every individual, there can be a range of symptoms that are important to be noticed. Here are some of the common symptoms of neck pain: 

  • Continuous aches in the neck
  • Lump in the neck
  • Swollen glands
  • Stabbing and throbbing pain
  • The feeling of a burning sensation in the neck
  • Shooting pain moving from the neck to arms and shoulder 

Here are other symptoms of neck pain that require prompt treatment:

  • Severe headache 
  • Neck stiffness involving shoulders and upper back 
  • Facing difficulties when trying to move or turn the neck or tilt the head 
  • Tingling and numbness in the arms and shoulders

What are the possible causes of Neck Pain?

Studies have shown more than 80% of the population experience neck pain at some point in their lives. As per the best orthopedic doctor in Kolkata, neck pain has been related to stress, tension, bad posture, and various other reasons. The following are some of the common reasons for neck pain that includes-

  • Mechanical pain: Mechanical pain refers to any back or neck pain caused by a structural imbalance (including bad posture, tech neck, and more). Below we‘ve discussed some of these conditions in brief.


  • Stress-related pain: Patients with anxiety disorders or obsessive-compulsive disorders tend to hold their shoulders up a lot, which might create chronic neck pain.


  • Arthritis of the neck: Spinal degenerative arthritis can be caused by years of wear and tear, injury, or infection. It is more common in older people, but it can also affect younger ones too. Osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and rheumatoid arthritis are all kinds of arthritis that affect the spine. Pain or stiffness in your back, neck, or hips, difficulty moving your neck or back, and numbness are all indications of degenerative arthritis.


  • Tech neck: If you work on a laptop, you're definitely setting yourself up for neck pain. Because these laptops are small, people end up leaning forward more to look at their screens. This throws the head off balance, which can cause neck and upper back discomfort.


  • Improper sleeping posture: One of the most common causes of neck pain is sleeping on your stomach. If you sleep like this, your neck will have to bear more weight than it should. Putting strain on your spine, possibly causing neck stiffness when you wake up. Try sleeping on your side or back. If you wake up with a stiff neck, make sure you sleep on a mattress that adequately supports your spine.


  • Degenerative disk issues: The vertebrae are the little bones that make up your spine. Between these bones, there are small cushions known as disks. They act as a cushion between your bones, but they can degenerate over time. Though it is a natural component of the aging process, it can be uncomfortable. A herniated disk, also known as a slipped, ruptured, or bulging disk occurs when one of these disks tears or leaks. Often people aged around and over 40 suffer from degenerative disk problems.


  • Weaker back muscles: As we become older, our upper back muscles weaken, which might cause us to lean forward. This can create strain, soreness, and small imbalances, as well as other symptoms such as headaches.


Overlooking the functions of the neck is simple, till the time you experience neck pain or have problems with moving your head. The human neck is accountable for supporting the head weight aligning with the complete body. With time, the neck can experience problems like straining due to hectic daily schedules, sitting in one position for a long, sleeping in the wrong position, etc. Doctors recommend always involving steps to prevent neck pain such as maintaining good postures, moving more than regular, stretching, and taking frequent breaks. If you have recurrent episodes of neck pain, then you must get in touch with a doctor. They will recommend the right options for the treatment of your neck pain involving medications and therapies that are suitable for you.



How can I cure neck pain fast?

The best way to reduce neck pain involves stretching, pain relievers, and heating methods. It is important to understand that there is no fastest way to relieve neck pain. 

How to reduce neck pain?

Here are some of the ways that can help in reducing neck pain:

  • Make sure not to use many pillows while sleeping 
  • Get a good night's sleep 
  • Involve some ergonomic adjustments 
  • Ensure not to sit in one position for too long 


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