Signs You Should Not Neglect: It Might Be a Brain Aneurysm

Signs You Should Not Neglect: It Might Be a Brain Aneurysm

Neuro Sciences |by CMRI| Published on 23/03/2022


More than 13% of strokes are caused by a brain aneurysm, which can be avoided if treated early. Rather than being concerned about the situation, you should watch for symptoms that could indicate the presence of a brain aneurysm and consult a neurosurgeon as soon as possible. According to a study, it is found that brain aneurysms affect every individual at any age. However, it often affects people between 30-60 and is more common in females than males. In this blog, we will cover everything that’s related to brain aneurysms like its symptoms, causes, and options for treatment. Please understand that the information given in this write-up is research-based and doesn’t interfere with the consultation of a doctor. To confirm the diagnosis, you can book your appointment with one of the best multispeciality hospitals in Kolkata, The Calcutta Medical Research Institute. You will find the best healthcare professionals having years of experience in their respective fields.

What is a Brain Aneurysm?

A brain aneurysm is a blood vessel in the brain with an extremely thin wall. A blood-filled, stretched-out, thin-walled balloon is a good analogy. This might happen as a result of weak spots in the artery walls, which can leak due to the constant blood flow through them. A brain aneurysm is also referred to as a cerebral aneurysm. According to health professionals, brain aneurysms occur due to blood flow through the blood vessels. These vessels involve putting pressure on the vessel wall's weak area. It leads to increasing the brain aneurysm size. In case, there is a rupture or leakage in brain aneurysms, it can cause hemorrhagic stroke.

Brain aneurysms are not very serious and common if they are small and don’t leak or rupture. They usually don’t pose any symptoms or lead to health issues. In most cases, this condition is detected during tests for other health issues. However, if it ruptures, it is life-threatening and needs prompt medical treatment. Hence, it is recommended to consult the doctor to understand your treatment options if diagnosed with brain aneurysms.

What are the types of Brain Aneurysms?

Types of brain aneurysms are divided into three categories and they are:

  • A saccular aneurysm: It is also referred to as a berry aneurysm and is often formed in the arteries at the brain base. It is one of the common types that appear like a berry hanging from a vine. 
  • Fusiform aneurysm: It leads to creating artery bulges on all sides. 
  • Mycotic aneurysm: This type occurs because of an infection and when it affects the arteries in the brain, it leads to the weakening of the artery wall.

What are Brain Aneurysm Symptoms?

Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is the initial sign of a ruptured aneurysm, and it can induce symptoms such as severe headache, which is regarded as the worst headache a person has ever had other than this, you may feel -

  • Stiffness in the neck
  • Dizziness
  • Issues of balance
  • Difficulty in communicating
  • Doubtful perception or confusion
  • Disorientation
  • The act of passing out
  • Eyelids that droop
  • Arm or leg numbness or weakness
  • A brain aneurysm that is leaking or has burst poses a high danger of mortality.

It demands medical attention right away. The excruciating headache strikes out of nowhere and can last for hours or even days.

Symptoms of unruptured aneurysm

The unruptured aneurysm is usually asymptomatic. Headaches, on the other hand, are the most common sign of an intact aneurysm. Other signs to keep an eye out for are:

  • Changes in perception
  • An enlarged (dilated) pupil 
  • Seizures.
  • Numbness on the face.
  • Above and behind the eyes, there is pain.
  • nausea and vomiting.
  • Neckache
  • Restricted eye mobility

What are Brain Aneurysm Causes?

Though there is no conclusive proof of what causes an aneurysm, research shows that various variables might contribute to the development of an aneurysm. Some of the causes that can weaken blood vessels and produce artery thinning are as follows:

  • Long-term smoking exposure
  • Chronic high blood pressure
  • Cocaine abuse is common.
  • History of a traumatic brain injury
  • Trauma
  • Atherosclerosis (the buildup of fatty plaque on the inner lining of blood vessels)

What are the options for brain aneurysm treatment?

The treatment for brain aneurysms depends on its type and the symptoms that are experienced by an individual. The doctor will recommend options for brain aneurysm treatment after understanding the symptoms and medical history of a patient. Brain aneurysms can be surgically or nonsurgically treated. Here are some of the options to treat this condition: 

  • Metal clipping — Your surgeon will have to open the skull to locate the cause of the aneurysm. He or she will insert a metal clip at the aneurysm's orifice (opening) to limit the blood flow after diagnosing the reason. After that, your skull will be re-sealed.
  • Endovascular coiling - This is a technique that avoids the need for a craniotomy (a procedure that opens up the skull). In the blood vessels of the groin area, your surgeon will insert a tube-like structure made up of small platinum coils that will immediately enter the aneurysm and block blood flow. In comparison to the prior approach, this one is less invasive.


A brain aneurysm can be a life-threatening condition if not treated at the right time. Look out for any of the above-mentioned symptoms. In case, if the brain aneurysm is ruptured, then it can be life-threatening. It is vital to seek assistance immediately medically for a ruptured brain aneurysm. If you want a second opinion or want to go for a thorough check-up, consult our doctors practicing in the best neurology hospital in Kolkata.



How to prevent brain aneurysm?

You can prevent a brain aneurysm by following the steps given below:

  • Lowering high cholesterol levels 
  • Control the levels of blood pressure 
  • Make sure to involve exercising on a daily basis 
  • Involve healthy choices in the diet 

Can a brain aneurysm be treated?

Yes, brain aneurysms can be treated with surgical procedures if they are ruptured. If they are not ruptured or leaked, then they can be treated with certain medications. 

What does a brain aneurysm headache feel like?

A brain aneurysm headache feels like a blinding or throbbing pain that becomes unbearable. 

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