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Dr. Deep Das

Dr. Deep Das

Consultant - Neurology

Department : Neurology

Experience: 20+ Years

About Dr. Deep Das

Dr. Deep Das specializes in acute stroke management, Cerebral Digital Subtraction Angiograms, Intra Arterial and Intra Venous Thrombolysis in Ischemic strokes, Carotid Stenting, Pre-Operative Tumor Embolization, Coiling of Intra Cranial Aneurysms, Embolization of Arteria-Venous Malformations etc. He has a rich experience of managing a vast number of stroke patients. His areas of interests are late onset stroke arrivals and stenting in intracranial stenosis, young stroke and nonsurgical management of subdural Hematoma are also his areas of active interest etc.

He has presented many papers at national neurology conferences. He has attended various workshops on Neuro- Electrophysiology & Neuro Interventions. He has around 25 publications in peer reviewed international & national journals. He is also actively involved with CMEs and teaching programs & has delivered lectures at various medical forums and takes passion in setting up stroke units and teaching of paramedical and nursing staff.

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