Ataxia is a clinical term used for problems that involve muscle coordination and control. People with ataxia can experience problems such as speech, balance, and movement. It is primarily a condition that involves poor muscle control causing clumsy voluntary actions or movements.
Ataxia often happens because of damage in one part of the brain responsible for controlling muscle coordination. The part is known as the cerebellum. Many conditions are there that cause ataxia such as tumors, brain, degeneration, stroke, multiple sclerosis, and genetic disorders.
Different types of ataxia are there such as:
There are varied ataxia symptoms an individual can experience. Hence, it is important to be aware of them. Here are the symptoms:
It is also crucial to understand the types of ataxia as symptoms can vary accordingly.
The ataxia causes are divided into three groups that are acquired, degenerative and hereditary causes. Here are the causes defined according to these groups:
The acquired ataxia causes are:
The degenerative disease causes are:
The hereditary causes of ataxia include:
Your doctor will ask for the clinical history before beginning the ataxia diagnosis. He/she might also ask about the medications and if you consume alcohol. After gaining the information, they will begin with the evaluations that are physical and neurological.
There are certain tests that your doctor will order to assess movements like coordination, balance, reflexes, muscle strength, vision, hearing, memory, and concentration.
Here are the tests your doctor might order:
The ataxia treatment depends on the type of ataxia an individual has and the seriousness of it. In certain cases, treatment for the underlying cause like a vitamin deficiency or infection can comfort symptoms.
No cure is available for ataxia, however, certain interventions can help in easing or managing the symptoms enhancing your quality of life.
Here are some of the options for ataxia treatment:
The Calcutta Medical Research Institute is one of the renowned multi-speciality hospitals delivering healthcare services to its patients. With our best-in-class and advanced technology, we have managed to attain a reputable name across eastern India in the healthcare industry. Our healthcare professionals with their expertise ensure providing care and services to the patients as per their requirements and problems they are experiencing. We are committed to offering services filled with integrity, ethics, and reliability.
State-of-the-art technology assists in revolutionizing our healthcare services and assists us to make the treatment fast, economical, and free of risks. The latest and most advanced technology helps in delivering the finest surgical outcomes.
If you are experiencing ataxia, you should consult our professionals delivering the best treatment. They will ensure to diagnose the problem first and provide the treatment accordingly.
The cerebellum is part of the brain that is affected by ataxia however, the problem also can occur due to spinal cord damage and other nerves. The spinal cord is a nerve bundle running down the spine and connecting the brain to other parts of the human body.
The onset of ataxia and the development rate are known to be the most useful medical features reflecting the cause. The ataxia begins to grow within a few weeks to months and takes time to go away, although that depends on the type of ataxia an individual is experiencing.
Till now, there is no cure available for ataxia. The outlook relies on seriousness, type, and cause. The doctor recommends taking medications on time so that symptoms can be controlled. It can shorten the lifetime of a person but usually, the lifespan is the same for every individual
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