Brachial plexus surgery is a medical procedure to treat injuries and trauma associated with the brachial plexus. The brachial plexus comprises a network of nerves that conveys movement and sensory signals from the spinal cord to the shoulder, arm and hands. Brachial plexus injury occurs when the nerves get stretched, compressed or in most cases torn apart from the spinal cord.
While some brachial plexus injuries heal on their own, pain and discomfort associated with severe traumas can only be treated with surgical procedures. Contact us to book an appointment with some of the best neurosurgeons for effective brachial plexus injury treatment in Kolkata.
Neurologists specialise in diagnosing and treating disorders related to the brain and spinal cord. Therefore, in case of brachial plexus injury, get in touch with us to book an appointment with some of the best neurosurgeons in Kolkata for effective brachial plexus surgery.
Surgical time for brachial plexus surgery is usually 3 to 12 hours depending on the severity of the condition and the surgical expertise of the surgeon.
Most patients are discharged the following day after the surgery. However, in severe cases, the procedure may be done on an outpatient basis where the patient can go home on the same day after the procedure. It is only after the doctor does not suspect any complications after the surgery, the patient is allowed to go home.
Brachial plexus surgery recovery time usually varies depending on the type of procedure and the severity of the condition. For nerve transfers below the elbow, a splint may be required for two weeks. However, full recovery may take a few months. During this time it is recommended you follow post-surgery instructions, lifestyle changes, and dietary restrictions to ensure no complications.
Yes, most patients require physical therapy after the surgery for a few months. Several physical therapies such as pool therapy (also known as aquatic therapy or water therapy) are particularly important.
Brachial plexus surgery is not a painful procedure since the patient is given general anaesthesia. The patient is in sedated state and does not feel any pain. However, there may be slight discomfort and pain after the procedure as the effect of anesthesia wears off.
Brachial plexus surgery involves a rare risk of complications which include the following -
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