Neurodegenrative Diseases

What Are Neurodegenerative Diseases (NDDs)?

Neurodegenerative diseases affect cell functioning associated with brain control. These types of illnesses result from progressive damage to the cells and central nervous system which essentially control mobility, strength, coordination, strength, sensations and cognition. 

Neurodegenerative diseases affect people worldwide with the majority of complex cases remaining untreatable. The conditions impact the mental state of individuals and affect their relationships with their loved ones. Therefore, early diagnosis can ensure effective treatment for long-term benefits.


Symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases are often associated with the following -

  • Issues regarding mobility and balance
  • Abnormal movements
  • Bladder and bowel malfunction
  • Blood pressure fluctuation
  • Difficulty Sleeping, swallowing, 
  • Breathing disorders 
  • Improper heart function
  • Memory and cognitive abilities
  • Mood and speech issues

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