A hysterectomy, also known as uterine removal, is among the most common surgical procedures that are frequently advised for several uterine-related medical disorders, including cancer, endometriosis, and fibroids. Depending on certain factors, including age, region, and access to healthcare, its prevalence differs.
With around 500,000 performed each year, hysterectomy rates are high in India. However, numbers vary throughout the world according to social, medical, and cultural norms. Despite being common, having a hysterectomy is still a big decision that needs to be carefully thought out and discussed with medical professionals.
So, if you intend to get uterus removal done as advised by your healthcare expert, make sure to book your appointment with best gynaecologist in kolkata at CMRI for the best outcomes. You will discover the most experienced and professional doctors here.
For more information, you can read the blog below. However, please note that this is for informational purposes and we don’t construe with the doctor’s consultation.
Uterus removal also known as hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that helps in removing the uterus of a female. Many medical disorders such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, uterine prolapse, or specific malignancies require this surgical procedure. Different forms of hysterectomies, such as partial hysterectomy (removing only the uterus while leaving the cervix intact) or total hysterectomy (removing the entire uterus and cervix) may be performed, depending on the particular problem and the patient's health. Many health problems are successfully resolved by the operation, but it also makes future pregnancies impossible. As a result, anyone must think about having a hysterectomy and carefully assess the advantages and potential drawbacks.
Uterus removal is categorized into different types including:
Uterus removal offers several benefits some of which are as follows:
Here are some of the reasons for why uterus removal is performed:
A hysterectomy, or uterus removal involves the following steps before the procedure is initiated:
During the procedure
The surgeon involves the following steps after initiating the procedure:
In conclusion, it's important to choose hysterectomy or uterus removal with cautious understanding even if it's a regular treatment that has great benefits for patients with certain uterine disorders. Since every person's circumstances are different, it is vital to get in touch with medical experts to assess the advantages, disadvantages, and available options. Comprehending the physical and emotional consequences might enable you to make knowledgeable choices regarding their reproductive well-being. Eventually, it is critical to put your health and quality of life first, regardless of whether a hysterectomy is chosen or alternative methods are investigated.
Yes, uterus removal is the safest surgical procedure when done by a surgeon having years of experience and following proper protocols.
Uterus removal might cause slight pain, but it also depends on the patient's tolerance level and the pain removal methods involved during the procedure.
Yes, if ovaries are also removed along with the uterus, then it can induce menopause because of the low formation of estrogen hormone.
Uterus removal and removing ovaries along with it must be cautiously weighed as it might carry certain risks and complications.
Yes, laparoscopy is involved these days for uterus removal through the use of special treatments providing benefits like fast recovery and less scarring.
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