Best Lipoma Specialist in Kolkata

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What is Lipoma?

A lipoma is a benign, slowly expanding fatty tissue lump often growing under the skin. Lipomas move easily under pressure and are soft to the touch, despite being generally harmless. They are the most prevalent form of soft tissue tumor, usually discovered in the thighs, back, shoulders, or neck. They are identified to be linked to genetic factors, even though the precise cause is unknown. However, lipomas are often pain-free, their size or location may make them uncomfortable. Surgical removal is unnecessary unless symptoms, rapid growth, or aesthetic concerns arise.

If you have this condition and looking for the best lipoma doctors in Kolkata, book your appointment with the healthcare professionals at The CMRI.

Types of Lipomas

Benign tumors produced from fatty tissue, or lipomas are categorized into different types based on unique features:

Liposarcoma vs. Lipoma

Although they both involve adipose tissue, lipoma and liposarcoma are unique and involve varied health effects. Here is the primary difference between these two:

Complications if Lipoma is Left Untreated

It is important to be mindful of the possible risks when treating a lipoma because overlooking treatment leads to complications according to the best lipoma doctors in Kolkata. Here are some of them:

How is Lipoma diagnosed?

A systematic method is required to accurately diagnose and properly manage lipomas. Here is how best lipoma doctors in Kolkata initiate the diagnosis of Lipoma: 

Advanced Treatments for Lipoma Removal

Treatment for lipomas usually involves several removal-oriented options, the choice depends on the patient's preferences, the size, and the location of the tumor. Here is the treatment commonly recommended by the best lipoma doctors in Kolkata:

Recovery after lipoma treatment

Recovery after lipoma treatment is often fast; the exact time frame depends on the method of removal chosen. Pain medication is usually involved to relieve patients' mild discomfort and swelling that may happen after excision surgery for some time. Recovery time from liposuction and other less invasive procedures is comparatively shorter than other treatment options. After treatment, the majority of patients can get back to their regular activities, and any persistent soreness or bruises go away in a week. Following the instructions for post-operative care given by the best lipoma doctors in Kolkata ensures a simple and uneventful recovery process.

Why choose CMRI KOlkata for Lipoma Surgery?

The Calcutta Medical Research Institute (CMRI) is one of the largest multispecialty hospitals in Kolkata. Our hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, revolutionizing the healthcare industry for the best surgical outcomes. In addition, CMRI has several eminent specialists, doctors, and healthcare providers of national and international reputations for comprehensive and personalized treatment. CMRI provides patient-centric care and empathy from internationally trained nurses to ensure holistic patient care. Here are a few advantages of choosing the CMRI for the best lipoma doctor in Kolkata:

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