Department Of ENT- Otolaryngology

At CMRI Hospital, we have an entire ENT Department dedicated to the diagnosis, assessment, and management of diseases involving the ears, nose, and throat. Our ear nose throat hospital is a hub of excellence, known for offering best-in-class treatments for a wide range of ENT problems in adults and children alike.

Diseases of the ear, nose, and throat (collectively known as ENT) are quite common across all age groups, especially in children. Although these conditions can cause significant discomfort and loss of quality of life, they often remain neglected, undetected, and untreated. A lack of awareness regarding the long-term implications of these seemingly benign disorders is a major issue in society.

At the ENT clinic of CMRI Hospital in Kolkata, we aim to provide a sympathetic and patient-centric experience. Our patients' interests are central to every advice or plan offered in our department. We believe in partnering with our patients on their journey to health, emphasizing their participation in decision-making and treatment implementation. This collaborative approach ensures we embark on the best-suited treatment plan tailored to individual needs.

Our ear nose throat clinic also offers post-operative and rehabilitation facilities for trauma, injuries, and emergencies. The emergency wing operates 24/7, equipped with fully-equipped ambulance services to bring patients to our ENT hospital and treat those with injured or traumatized ears, noses, throats, heads, or necks.

In today's age of specialization, it is crucial to keep upgrading our professional skills. The ENT hospital in Kolkata has been at the forefront of providing cutting-edge treatment, including advanced diagnostics and complex surgeries like skull base surgery for brain tumors, cochlear implantation for the deaf, and complex airway surgeries for windpipe narrowing. Our team collaborates to ensure you receive the best care at all times and maintains continuity of care.

Successful treatment requires accurate diagnosis and the implementation of appropriate evidence-based strategies, aided by modern technology. At the ENT hospital, our ENT expert team is equipped with state-of-the-art instruments for diagnosis and treatment, including flexible laryngoscopes, endoscopes, Oto Acoustic Emissions, BERA, Stroboscope, LASER, Coblation, and microdebriders.

With a combined experience that ensures surgery is only considered a last resort, you can trust that our team will prioritize your health and well-being. For those seeking the best ENT hospital, CMRI Hospital is dedicated to providing exceptional care for all your ear, nose, and throat needs.

Treatment and Surgeries

  • Audiometry


  • Brain - Stem Implantation

    Brain - Stem Implantation

  • CSF Rhinorrhea Repair

    CSF Rhinorrhea Repair

  • Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR)

    Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR)

  • Endoscopic Orbital Decompression

    Endoscopic Orbital Decompression

  • Facial Nerve Decompression

    Facial Nerve Decompression

  • Flexible Fibre Optic Nasopharyngolaryngoscopy (FOL)

    Flexible Fibre Optic Nasopharyngolaryngoscopy (FOL)

  • Foreign Body Removal

    Foreign Body Removal

  • Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS)

    Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS)

  • Laryngectomy


  • Maxillectomy


  • MLS For Vocal Polyp

    MLS For Vocal Polyp

  • Modified Redical Mastoidectomy (MRM)

    Modified Redical Mastoidectomy (MRM)

  • Myringotomy


  • Mytringoplasty


  • Ossiculoplasty


  • Parotidectomy


  • Post- Cochlear Implantation

    Post- Cochlear Implantation

  • Radical Mastoidectomy

    Radical Mastoidectomy

  • Speech And The Following Therapy

    Speech And The Following Therapy

  • Stapedotomy


  • Submandibular Gland Excision

    Submandibular Gland Excision

  • Thyroglossal Cyst Removal

    Thyroglossal Cyst Removal

  • Thyroplasty


  • Turbinoplasty


  • Tympanometry


  • Uvulo palato pharyngo plasty (UPPP)

    Uvulo palato pharyngo plasty (UPPP)

  • Vertigo  Test

    Vertigo Test

  • Video Stroboscopy

    Video Stroboscopy

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