Improve Your Kidney Health with These 10 Tips, According to Nephrologists

Improve Your Kidney Health with These 10 Tips, According to Nephrologists

Renal Sciences |by Dr. Kaushik Das| Published on 18/07/2022

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    The kidneys are the vital organs of our body, and they do the most important jobs like filtering blood, removing waste products, and extra water from our body. However, keeping these kidneys in a healthy state is not a big task. Here we’ve discussed a few simple yet effective ways to keep your kidneys healthy. One of the best nephrology doctors in Kolkata has helped us with the same.

    • Watch your blood pressure: Chronic kidney damage can be caused by both high blood pressure and diabetes. You have hypertension if your blood pressure is persistently higher than 140/90 mm Hg. You should make lifestyle changes such as limiting salt intake, frequent exercise, and relaxation techniques, as well as discuss with your doctor the medicines that will help to keep your blood pressure under control.
    • Monitor your diabetes: Diabetes is a condition that causes excessive blood sugar and can cause kidney damage. When cells cannot use the glucose in the blood, the kidneys must work extra hard to filter the blood. This can have fatal consequences. Controlling your blood sugar lowers your risk of injury.
      Furthermore, if the damage is detected early enough, your doctor can take steps to lessen or avoid further harm to your kidney.
    • Limit the use of OTC medicines: If you take over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers on a daily basis, it may cause kidney damage. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen and naproxen, might harm your kidneys if used on a daily basis to treat chronic pain, headaches, or arthritis.

      If you take these medications on a regular basis, you may jeopardize the health of your kidneys. If you're in pain, talk to your doctor about kidney-safe medications.
    • Stay hydrated: Consistent water consumption is beneficial to kidney health. Drinking eight glasses of water should be the goal. Water aids in the removal of salt and other toxins from the kidneys, minimizing the risk of kidney disease. Water consumption is affected by a variety of factors, including health, climate, and other health issues. People who have a history of kidney stones should consume extra water to help avoid future stone deposits.
    • Maintain a healthy weight and a healthy diet: Obese people are more likely to suffer from a variety of health problems, including heart and renal illness. A low-sodium diet and red meat(a source of essential amino acids and micronutrients) can help reduce the risk of kidney disease. Fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains, should be included in your diet.
    • Limit your salt intake: Salt can increase the amount of protein in some people's urine. This can hurt your kidneys or exacerbate kidney disease if you already have it. Lots of salt also increases your chances of having high blood pressure, which is a common cause of renal illness and kidney stones, which can be extremely unpleasant and potentially damaging if not treated.
    • Exercise regularly: Yoga and exercise can help reduce the chance of developing chronic renal disease. It can also lower your blood pressure and improve your heart health, both of which are helpful in preventing kidney injury.
    • Limit your alcohol intake: A drink or two won't harm your kidneys if you're in good health. However, binge drinking can cause serious damage as well as long-term concerns. And alcohol can dehydrate you, which can impair kidney function and contribute to weight gain, liver disease, high blood pressure, and other problems that place a further strain on them.
    • Say "no" to smoking: Tobacco use reduces blood flow to vital organs such as the kidneys and increases the risk of renal disease. Smoking can also make blood pressure medicines less effective and, if not controlled properly, can lead to renal damage. Although suddenly quitting smoking can be difficult, a smoking cessation program can be beneficial.
    • Get your kidneys checked: As suggested by our expert practicing in the best nephrology hospital in Kolkata, diabetics, people born with low birth weight, those with cardiovascular disorders, high blood pressure, and obesity, and those with a family history of kidney disease have the highest risk of developing kidney disease. These people should have their kidneys examined on a regular basis since they may be at risk.
      The best thing you can do to keep your kidneys healthy is to live an active, health-conscious lifestyle.

    If you have a chronic health condition that puts you at risk of developing kidney damage or illness, you can consult our top nephrologist in Kolkata. They will work closely with you to improve your overall kidney health.

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