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Ovarian cysts

What are ovarian cysts?

Ovarian cysts are growths or tumours that grow abnormally in the ovaries of a female. It is a health condition that can disturb the reproductive health of a female. It can lead to interruptions or difficulties in conception and also affect the menstrual cycle of the female. It should not be controlled but removed.

Ovarian cysts are common in females of reproductive age. In most cases, they are normal and they don't hint at any medical condition.

There are also cases when they start posing problems and need instant actions and treatment. This is why it's always best to investigate their nature and their causes. Ovarian cysts are small sacs that appear on the ovaries and are filled with liquid.

They can be more types, but in most cases, they are follicular ones and their main cause is the actual ovulation process.

Ovarian cysts Symptoms

Approximately ninety percent of females grow ovarian cysts through their childbearing years. Even if the cysts commonly vanish by themselves, that doesn't mean you can contempt the condition because sometimes, they could become serious. Following are the numerous common ovarian cyst symptoms:

  • Pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Pain in the pelvic area before or during your menstrual period.
  • Hormonal imbalance which causes irregular and missed menstrual periods.
  • Vaginal spotting.
  • Swelling or feeling heavy around the stomach.
  • Pain or feeling pressure in the bladder or rectum.
  • Yellow/white and frequently thick vaginal discharge.
  • Nausea and sickness
  • Blood spotting between periods
  • Vaginal pain
  • Infertility

Ovarian Cysts Causes

Though the precise cause of the cyst is not known, specialists blame the hormonal imbalance for some types of cysts, e.g., PCOS and functional cysts.

When ovulation occurs, a cyst-like structure is shaped. It breaks when the egg is released during ovulation. The empty follicle forms a corpus luteum which liquefies if the pregnancy doesn't happen. If the process doesn't accomplish properly, functional cysts are formed.

It is very much vital to get the diagnosis and treatment of the cyst done by a professional. Appropriate treatment can resolve the problem completely. Other types of cysts can be more intimidating to a female's health and can have diverse causes than ovulation.

Cystadenoma, for instance, is caused by tissue that is found outside the ovaries, while endometrium is caused by endometrial tissue that develops on the ovaries.

Dermoid cysts are filled with diverse types of tissue and hemorrhagic cysts commonly have blood inside. Some females might face polycystic ovaries, meaning that their eggs are hardly released from follicles and end up forming a multitude of cysts on the ovaries. All these ovarian cysts are often painful and might also bleed.

Ovarian cysts Diagnosis

Here is how the ovarian cysts diagnosis is initiated:

  • The doctor first will initiate a comprehensive patient history and physical analysis. During the medical check-up, the doctor will initiate a pelvic exam.
  • The doctor will begin with a pelvic exam and insert an instrument called a speculum into the vagina and inspect the walls of the vagina and cervix. The doctor may take samples of vaginal secretions or perform a Pap test. Samples are sent to a laboratory for microscopic examination.
  • The doctor will then continue with tests in two hands by inserting two fingers into the vagina and stomach to have a look at the size and shape of the uterus and ovaries. Ovaries may seem higher than normal, and this analysis can make the patient uneasy. If cysts can be sensed, a gynecologist recommends supplementary laboratory and diagnostic tests.
  • Laboratory tests are primarily; a complete blood count (CBC) and a WBC to gather an infection and internal bleeding, pregnancy test notices uterine pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy.
  • Diagnostic tests comprise an ultrasound, Doppler ultrasound, vaginal if required, an X-ray, and laparoscopy.
  • An ultrasound test is recommended to view the size and number of cysts. If the cyst is of a solid material or an amalgamation of liquid and solid materials, the doctor may recommend an X-ray to see if it is a cyst or a malignant tumor Benin.
  • The doctor may recommend further tests later, a laparoscopy where endometriosis is suspected to have a lot of cysts prolonged without liquid.
  • The laparoscopic technique involves placing a laparoscope- a narrow tube with an optical fiber at one end in the lower abdomen. This is completed through a small incision just below the navel to notice ovarian cancer.

Ovarian cysts Treatment

The ovarian cysts treatment follows:

  • In the case of a functional ovarian cyst, no treatment is recommended to make it vanish. Simple monitoring by ultrasound is put in place to make sure that these abnormal masses fade unexpectedly. In females, who are frequently affected, the pill can be suggested to regulate the hormonal cycle and avert ovulation, thus avoiding the presence of functional cysts.
  • The functional cyst can lead to an operation if it continues for more than 3 menstrual cycles (about 3 months), if its presence changes or if intense pain appears. Nonetheless, there is less use of surgery to preserve the ovarian reserves of young women, especially those who have not had children.
  • In the existence of a cyst, surgical removal of the cyst (ovarian cystectomy) or the ovary (oophorectomy) may be needed. This is often done by laparoscopy; a surgical method completed without opening the belly.

Why should you choose Rukmani Birla Hospital for ovarian cysts treatment?

Rukmani Birla Hospital, Jaipur is among the best multi-special hospitals serving the nation for decades with the most exceptional care. The foundation of this hospital was established with the motive of making the country healthy and making every health facility or amenities available to every individual. We have comprised the use of the latest and advanced technological equipment so that satisfactory healthcare services are delivered to the patients.

Our principles like empathy, integrity, transparency, patient-first, and affordability are our main USPs. So, if you intend to get the treatment done for ovarian cysts, look no further and reach us now. We have a gynecological department integrated with the most skilled and experienced having years of experience gynecologists. They will make sure that you receive the best treatment and offer any help to you with anything.


How to know when an ovarian cyst is serious?

You must get instant clinical help if you observe sudden, serious abdominal or pelvic pain, pain with fever or vomiting, or signs of shock such as weakness or light-headedness.

Are ovarian cysts common?

Ovarian cysts are sacs filled that grow on an ovary and are very common. However, often it doesn’t cause any symptoms initially. They occur naturally and disappear within a few months without the requirement of any treatment.

Is there a cure for ovarian cysts?

Yes, it can be cured without removing the ovary. In certain cases, ovarian cysts are removed. Surgery is also done in some cases with the use of minimally invasive surgery or laparoscopy.