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What is bronchiectasis?

Bronchiectasis is one of the lung conditions in which airways experience damage and widen. It becomes difficult for the airways to clear out the mucus. Due to this, bacteria keep growing in the mucus leading to inflammation and lung damage. Patients experiencing this condition usually cough a lot as the body struggles to infected mucus removal. In this condition, bronchial tubes are thickened, widened, and damaged permanently. As a result, it causes regular infections and airway blockage. 

At present, there is no cure available to treat bronchiectasis, however, it is manageable with the proper treatment. People with this condition can lead a normal life often.

If there are flare-ups, then the doctor recommends that prompt treatment must be considered so that oxygen flow is maintained throughout the body and lung damage is prevented.

What is the difference between Bronchitis and Bronchiectasis?

Bronchiectasis is a condition that leads to airways widening permanently and bronchitis doesn’t cause lasting damage as it is not a permanent infection.

Is bronchiectasis obstructive or restrictive?

Bronchiectasis is a mix of both obstructive and restrictive

What foods to avoid in bronchiectasis?

It is recommended to avoid sugary food items such as cakes, biscuits, sweets, and cold beverages like soft drinks.

Can bronchiectasis be cured?

There is no complete cure for bronchiectasis, however, it can be managed with treatment options available.