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What Causes Loss of Appetite?

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What Causes Loss of Appetite?

Internal Medicine | Posted on 06/08/2024 by RBH


Do you often experience weakness, fatigue, or changes in eating patterns? Well, if yes, then it is an indication of a loss of appetite. In the complex network of our physiological functions, appetite acts as an important thread. However, for most people, this thread combats and leads to appetite loss, a condition that is more common than is generally acknowledged. Its symptoms differ hugely, from transient swings to lasting illnesses. The complications of appetite loss are often complex to understand, even though the occurrence is very common. 

If you notice signs of appetite loss, book your appointment with one of the best Internal medicine doctors in Jaipur at CK Birla Hospitals. The experienced and highly skilled team of doctors ensures the right diagnosis and treatment solutions that are right for you. 

This write-up outlines the subtleties of this health problem. We aim to draw attention to this usually ignored health aspect by assessing its prevalence, causes, and probable remedies, allowing people to make improved decisions about their connection with food and health. However, please note that the blog is for informative purposes only and does not replace the significance of a doctor’s consultation. 

What is a loss of appetite?

Loss of appetite, also referred to as anorexia is a health issue that involves reduced wish to eat or loss of interest in food. It can manifest as a full distaste towards eating or a decreased interest in food over time. While it's usual to experience periodic ups and downs in appetite because of factors such as illness, stress, routine changes, etc. However, severe loss of appetite is an indication of an underlying health problem. Loss of appetite causes weight loss, nutritional shortcomings, and a weakened immune system if not managed on time. It is vital to determine the underlying cause and handle it to revive regular eating patterns to maintain overall well-being and health.

What are the signs of loss of appetite?

Signs of loss of appetite can vary depending on the individual and the underlying cause. It's important to note that experiencing one or more of these signs doesn't necessarily indicate a loss of appetite. However, if these symptoms persist or are followed by other symptoms, one must consult a healthcare expert for further assessment and guidance. However, the common signs of loss of appetite are:

  • Decreased interest in food
  • Unintentional weight loss 
  • Changes in eating patterns such as skipping meals, eating smaller portions, or avoiding certain types of foods 
  • Feeling full quickly
  • Lack of hunger cues
  • Weakness or fatigue
  • Changes in mood like irritability, mood swings, or feelings of depression.
  • Physical symptoms such as nausea, stomach pain, gastrointestinal discomfort, etc. 

What causes loss of appetite?

Loss of appetite occurs due to many factors that involve physical changes, emotional variations, underlying health conditions, and medication side effects. Here's an outline of each category with causes:

Physical Changes:

  • Hormonal fluctuation during pregnancy,menopause, or thyroid disorders affecting appetite
  • Metabolic changes due to conditions such as diabetes or hyperthyroidism
  • Digestive issues such as acid reflux, gastritis, or ulcers
  • Chronic pain conditions or acute injuries suppress appetite due to discomfort or distraction
  • Natural changes in metabolism and taste perception due to age 

Emotional Changes:

  • Stress and anxiety disrupt normal eating patterns 
  • Mood disorders such as depression affect appetite 
  • Emotional distress like loss or trauma 
  • Conditions like anorexia nervosa or bulimia contribute to loss of appetite
  • Lifestyle changes such as job loss, relationship issues, or relocation disrupt eating habits

Underlying Health Conditions:

  • Infections such as flu, colds, or other infections affect appetite
  • Chronic conditions like cancer, kidney disease, liver disease, or HIV/AIDS lead to loss of appetite 
  • Neurological disorders such as dementia, Parkinson's disease, or Alzheimer's disease affect the brain's regulation of hunger cues
  • Chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia or arthritis cause decreased appetite 
  • Endocrine disorders such as Addison's disease or Cushing's syndrome interrupt appetite regulation

Medication Side Effects:

  • Chemotherapy drugs like medications used in cancer treatment lead to appetite suppression
  • Antidepressant medications affect appetite as a side effect by either increasing or reducing 
  • Stimulants like amphetamines or ADHD medications suppress appetite
  • Pain medications like morphine or oxycodone cause nausea or constipation and reduce appetite
  • Antimicrobial drugs cause gastrointestinal side effects, including nausea or diarrhea, affecting appetite

How is loss of appetite diagnosed?

Loss of appetite is diagnosed through an extensive assessment by a healthcare expert usually that involves a mixture of clinical history review, physical assessment, and diagnostic tests. The process includes evaluating eating habits, determining any underlying clinical conditions or medications contributing to appetite loss, and assessing linked symptoms like weight changes or gastrointestinal problems. Diagnostic tests like blood tests, imaging studies, or endoscopic procedures are performed to examine possible underlying causes. The aim is to spot the main cause of appetite loss and grow an adequate treatment plan customized to the individual's requirements.

What are the options for loss of appetite treatment? 

Several options exist for loss of appetite treatment depending on the underlying cause and intensity of the condition. Some of the common methods are: 

  • Addressing underlying health issues contributing to the loss of appetite is important. It involves medication, lifestyle changes, or other therapies customized to the condition.
  • Nutritional Counseling with a certified dietitian or nutritionist assists in developing a personalized eating plan to confirm proper nutrient intake even if the appetite is reduced. It involves nutrient-dense foods, small and frequent meals, and dietary supplements if required.
  • Medication Management to stimulate appetite or manage symptoms contributing to appetite loss. These may include medications like megestrol acetate or dronabinol assist in increasing hunger cues.
  • Addressing any underlying emotional or psychological factors contributing to appetite loss is vital. This involves therapy, counseling, or support groups to control stress, anxiety, depression, or other mental health problems.
  • Providing supportive care to enhance comfort and overall health can also assist in improving appetite. This may include pain management, symptom relief, and the improving dining experience with pleasant foods and a delightful environment.
  • Some people often find comfort and relief from appetite loss through therapies like acupuncture, herbal supplements, or aromatherapy. However, it's advisable to discuss with a healthcare expert before trying these methods to confirm safety and efficiency.
  • Making lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, stress management techniques, adequate hydration, and establishing a regular meal schedule can also help improve appetite.
  • If medication side effects are contributing to appetite loss, healthcare experts ensure adjusting the dosage, switching to alternative medications, or giving other medications to control side effects efficiently.
  • When appetite loss is linked to terminal illness or end-of-life care, hospice or palliative care services emphasize comfort and quality of life while giving support to both patients and their families.


In conclusion, understanding and addressing loss of appetite plays an important role in maintaining overall health and well-being. Whether it stems from physical, emotional, or medical factors, its influence can be deep on the body. By identifying the signs, seeking timely clinical evaluation, and executing personalized treatment approaches, patients can regain control over their eating patterns and quality of life. If you are dealing with loss of appetite problems, then you must work with your healthcare expert and follow everything as per their instructions. You don’t have to feel anxious because generally this problem can be resolved with easy treatment options, but always ensure monitoring the problem so that it doesn’t get serious. 

Faq -


What is the reason for loss of appetite?

Loss of appetite occurs due to several factors such as disease, stress, medication side effects, or underlying health conditions that affect taste or digestion.

Is loss of appetite a sign of pregnancy?

Yes, loss of appetite is an indication of early pregnancy, usually contributing to hormonal changes and morning sickness.

How to fix the loss of appetite due to anxiety?

Managing anxiety through therapy, exercise, and relaxation techniques assists in alleviating loss of appetite by controlling underlying stressors and fostering a healthier mindset.

Will teething cause loss of appetite?

Teething causes mild discomfort and irritability in infants, probably leading to temporary loss of appetite, but it usually settles once teething is over.

Do antibiotics cause loss of appetite?

Yes, some antibiotics interrupt the balance of gut bacteria, causing gastrointestinal discomfort and loss of appetite as a possible side effect.

Is loss of appetite a sign of cancer?

Loss of appetite at times is linked to certain cancers, specifically those that affect the digestive system, because of tumor growth, treatments, or the body's immune response to cancer cells.