Potential Causes and Treatment of Spinal Degenerative Disease

Potential Causes and Treatment of Spinal Degenerative Disease

Orthopaedics & Joint Replacement |by Dr. Hitesh Joshi| Published on 31/03/2022

The spinal cord is responsible for body posture and apart from maintaining body posture, it is also responsible for the transmission of electric impulses from the brain to the body and from the body to the brain. The spinal cord, the nerve, neurons, and the brain are part of the central nervous system that controls the functioning of the entire body. The function of each body organ is governed by the brain. 

Therefore, whenever there is any issue in any part of the central nervous system it affects the associated body organ for example if a part of the head is injured that is responsible for eyesight then the person might go blind in that case. People who suffer from spine injuries become dependent on other people even for the minus test of the task such as using the washroom. 

People who suffer from spine surgery require surgery to correct their issues. Mostly the best spine in India socially prefer Minimally invasive spine surgery which is a less invasive spine surgery that is much more effective and convenient for both the doctor. The Minimally invasive technique helps to address the pain as it falls the problem in a much more efficient way.

Degenerative spinal conditions: 

Degenerative spinal condition is basically a condition that involves a gradual loss of the structure and function of the spine over a period of time. This phenomenon is caused when a person starts aging and this condition might also lead to tumors, arthritis, infection etc It causes a lot of pressure on the spinal cord and the nerves present in it call due to degeneration of the bones due to slip disc, spinal stenosis, Osteoarthritis, breakdown of the cartilage of spinal joints. 

What are the causes of degenerative spinal disease?

As discussed earlier, the spinal disc suffers a lot of wear and tear that causes pain and degeneration, especially after the age of 40. This process causes a lot of pain, and changes in posture, and affects the quality of life as it causes problems in performing daily chores. 

Some of the other causes include:

Tear and crack: Tear and crack is one of the most common types of injury that is caused in the spinal disc that puts pressure on nerves that might also call sometime that can be painful. In severe cases, the disk bulges out of place which is also known as a herniated disc.

Dry out: The disc has a soft inner core that contains fluid or water as a person gets older this fluid naturally decreases which makes the bones more step and due to this they get thinner and their flexibility gets affected which also hampers its shock absorption quality.


The treatment you should take depends upon the condition of the patient and the severity of the patient.  The doctor first diagnosis the patient theory and then recommend the best treatment by looking at the condition: 

Medications: The doctor usually suggests muscle Relaxo steroids and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs). Steroid injections: In this, the best spine specialist in Jaipur injects the medicine near the spinal nerves, discs, or joints in order to provide relief from pain and to reduce inflammation.

Radiofrequency neurotomy: In this, electric current is used to sensory nerves causing pain that prevents the pain signal that reaching the brain.

Physical therapy: It is required to maintain flexibility in the bones and muscles and most importantly to give relief from the pain. 

Surgery:  In cases where the nerves get pressed in between the spinal disc it might require surgery to let it to its original shape. 

What are the benefits of having the Treatment?

The prime idea of having spine treatment is to give the patient the relief they require and improve their body posture.
Some of the benefits include:

  •     One can easily move
  •     One can resume working
  •     Improve physical fitness
  •     Less requirement for therapy
  •     Requirement of medicine
  •     Independence to perform daily chores
  •     One can get back to work
  •     Increase in productivity
  •     Relief in pain
  •     Improvement in body posture
  •     Improved quality of life

What are the risks associated ?

Every kind of surgery has some or a different kind of factors associated with it, have some kind of complications but those complications are usually taken care of by the  spine surgeons

Some of the risks might include:

  •     Bleeding
  •     Infection
  •     Reaction to anesthesia
  •     Nerve damage
  •     Weakness
  •     Paralysis
  •     Bladder control issue
  •     Pain
  •     Loss of bowel movement
  •     Recurring symptoms
  •     Blood clots
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