Arthritis is a medical condition causing joint inflammation and other connective tissues of the body. It is one of the most common disorders found these days and causes pain or inflammation making it complex for the patient to physically stay active. This condition is very common in the body’s different parts such as the lower back, knees, hands, fingers, and hips. The primary symptoms of arthritis are aching, pain, swelling, and stiffness in or around the joints. Inflammation due to arthritis leads to affecting the ligaments and tendons surrounding the joints. The symptoms usually develop slowly and suddenly may lead to causing inability for a person when it comes to performing daily tasks.
If you are diagnosed with arthritis and looking for an orthopaedic doctor, book your appointment with one of the best multispeciality hospitals, RBH, renowned for the best arthritis treatment in Jaipur.
There are different types of arthritis which are:
The common symptoms of arthritis are as:
The causes of arthritis might vary according to the arthritis type. Here are some of the probable causes of arthritis:
The doctor begins the arthritis diagnosis by asking questions about the patient's symptoms and how joint pain is affecting their life. To evaluate the answers, the doctor will initiate a physical assessment which might involve:
There are imaging tests which are ordered for the appropriate arthritis diagnosis:
No cure is available for arthritis treatment, however, there are certain options which help in managing the condition. The treatment plan depends on the condition's severity and its symptoms. Here are some of the treatment options:
CK Birla Hospitals, Jaipur is among the eminent multi-special hospitals operating in the city for decades. The hospital has integrated the most amazing and experienced doctors including other staff members. We ensure dedicating ourselves to offering exceptional and satisfactory patient care. The primary objective behind the inception of this hospital is to make healthcare services available to everyone at an affordable cost including the finest treatment. So, if you are looking for an thyroid removal surgery in Jaipur, then get in touch with our most skilled and highly talented healthcare professionals at RBH.
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