Potential Candidates of Knee Replacement Surgery and Its Various Types

Potential Candidates of Knee Replacement Surgery and Its Various Types

Orthopaedics & Joint Replacement |by Dr. Hitesh Joshi| Published on 12/03/2022

Knee replacement surgery is also known as arthroplasty in medical terms; it is usually done in order to relieve the patient from pain and restore the function of the joint in cases where movement is painful. Usually, the procedure involves cutting off the damaged bone in the age of thigh bone, or knee cap and then replacing it with an artificial joint which is usually made up of high-grade plastic, polymer, or metal alloys which are known as a prosthesis.

People are usually skeptical about having knee replacement surgery since any problem in the surgery might lead them to get bedridden for life but the fact is that with the advancement of technology and medical procedures knee replacement surgery has become very easy and the success rate of knee placement surgery is commendable. A lot of people, especially sportsmen go for knee replacement surgery as they are vulnerable to knee injuries a lot and they do not have any other option apart from going for knee replacement surgery. According to the facts and joint replacement surgeons in Jaipur, a lot of athletes are able to resume their careers after knee replacement surgery. This shows how successful it is and the benefits it has.

Potential risk factors:

Every surgery has some or the other kind of risk associated with it similarly knee replacement surgery also carries some risk. Some of the potential risks associated with knee replacement surgery might include:

•    Infection
•    Stroke
•    Nerve damage
•    Heart attack
•    Need for another surgery
•    Blood clots in the vein or lungs
•    Fever
•    Damaged prosthesis
•    Stiffness
•    Fracture during or after the surgery
•    Allergic reaction
•    Dislocated kneecap
•    Ligament damage

Potential candidates for the surgery:

Usually, people who suffer from osteoarthritis or Arthritis are potential candidates for knee placement surgery. Old people usually suffer the loss of bone and wear and tear of muscles and bones due to which their joints become weak. Therefore, they are also of prime candidates for knee replacement surgery. Further, people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, injury, and deformities such as bowed legs or knock knees also require replacement surgeries.

Different types of surgeries:

There are several different types of knee replacement surgeries that depend upon the requirement of the patient.

Total knee replacement surgery: It is one of the most common types of knee replacement surgery that a surgeon usually suggests to the patient. The surgery required the surgeon to replace the surface of the thigh bone and the spine bone and then connect it to the knee.

Cartilage restoration: It is considered in cases where the knee only has an isolated area of injury or where the area can be replaced with the help of a cartilage craft or cells that grow into the cartilage; this is a minor procedure and the recovery is also very fast.

Patellofemoral replacement: In this type of surgical replacement the surgeon usually replaces the undersurface of the kneecap and the group of the kneecap since it is very effective for people that have a problem of chronic kneecap arthritis.

Partial knee replacement: In cases where Arthritis affect only one side of the knee in such cases partial knee replacement surgery is usually recommended by the best knee replacement surgeon in Jaipur since the person still has normal ligaments and the rest of the cartilage in the knee is normal this type of surgery requires smaller cut as compared to total knee replacement.

Revision knee replacement: Revision needs placement surgery is also known as Complex knee replacement surgery and it is only required when a person has already had any replacement surgery earlier and is suffering from severe Arthritis or if the surgery was not a success for the first time. 

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