The hip joint is one of the most important joints of the body as it helps in movement of the body and if there is any problem in the Hip joint then it restricts sitting, standing, movement from one place to another, turning or even in lying down. One can have a hip injury for a number of reasons, mostly elderly people suffer from hip injuries as their bone density is low and they are more susceptible to bone breakage. Other factors such as accidents, trauma or sports injury or arthritis might also cause severe hip injury that might require hip replacement surgery. Hip replacement surgery is also known as hip arthroplasty in which an artificial joint or prosthesis is used in order to reduce pain and improve the function of the joint. The prosthesis is usually made up of metal, fibre or hard plastic and ceramic.
After diagnosis and knowing that a person requires hip replacement surgery usually the Orthopaedic goes for a general examination in which the surgeon usually asks about the medical history and the current medication the person the patient is taking in order to prepare for the surgery. The best hip replacement doctor in Jaipur usually analyzes the condition of the patient by giving attention to the bone density, range of the movement of the bone, the strength of the muscles surrounding, blood tests, etc in order to pursue and prepare for the surgery. The doctor also tests the patient for any kind of allergy to anaesthesia.
• The surgery usually takes hours and the doctor uses modern technology by making an incision on the upper side of the hip through several layers of tissue.
• Then the surgeon removes the diseased or the injured bone or cartilage keeping the healthy bone intact.
• After removing the damaged tissues the surgeon then tries to place the implant or the prosthetics into the socket.
• After replacing it with a prosthesis the top ball is attached to the thigh bone so as to maintain the free movement of the joint.
With advanced science and surgical procedures surgeries are much safer since they are less invasive and use laparoscopic techniques in which much smaller incisions are made so as to promote faster recovery and less scarring.
Arthritis: People suffering from osteoarthritis or arthritis usually face a lot of wear and tear of the joints especially when age advances; it causes a lot of joint pain and obstructs movement and under such conditions hip replacement surgery becomes more than necessary.
Rheumatoid arthritis: It is an immune system-related disorder that is caused due to an overactive immune system that causes inflammation of cartilage and bone that usually results in joint pain in damaged joints, such conditions also require hip replacement surgery.
Osteonecrosis: In this condition, the blood supply is not enough which means the joint does not get enough blood that results in dislocation, fracture, deformity etc
All surgeries have some of the other risk factors associated with them it; similarly, hip replacement surgery also comes with a few risk factors some of it include:
• Blood clots
• Infection
• Dislocation of the joint
• Change in length of the legs
• Loosening of the process
• Nerve damage
• Breakage of the prosthesis
• Need for second hip replacement
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