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What is adenotonsillectomy?

An adenotonsillectomy is a surgery performed for removing the tonsils and adenoids. Tonsils occur at the throat sides, while adenoids are small tissues found at the throat back. The procedure is usually done for the treatment of several conditions like chronic tonsilitis, sleep apnea, and recurrent throat infections. These problems are very common among children, but adults also might require this surgical procedure. The recovery after this procedure might take around one to two weeks, depending on the patient’s condition. It is recommended to consult a medical professional for personalized information and advice linked to this procedure.

What to expect before adenotonsillectomy?

To begin the procedure, it is important to be aware of the steps taken before adenotonsillectomy. Here are the steps that are followed before the procedure:

  • The first step is consultation in which reasons for the surgery are discussed. The patient can ask any question he/she has in their mind. The doctor will first assess the medical history and order needed tests. 
  • The second step is preoperative evaluation in which the patient might require blood tests, a physical evaluation, and a sleep study if sleep apnea is a problem. 
  • The doctor will instruct the patient to fast before initiating the surgery. The patient is required to stop eating anything and drinking before the surgery. It ensures that the stomach is empty and diminishes the complications risk after anesthesia is given. 
  • Medications: The doctor asks the patient to stop taking medications before the surgery, primarily blood-thinners. It will decrease the bleeding risk during the procedure. 
  • In the next step, the doctor recommends the patient for someone to accompnay them to the hospital and take them homw after the procedure. 
  • The doctor will offer some guidlines linked to procedure such as what should be done before the procedure and in the morning including hygiene instructions. 
  • Before starting the procedure, the doctor will provide information about the anesthesia and ask questions to the patient if there are any concerns to be discussed. 
  • The patient is given a hospital dress that is loose-fitted on the surgery day. 
  • Lastly, there will be paperwork and additional preoperative screenings to be done after arriving at the hospital.

What happens during adenotonsillectomy?

The adenotonsillectomy procedure is recommended to remove adenoids and tonsils. Here is what happens during the surgery: 

  • Anesthesia is given to the patient which implies that the patient is not conscious and will not feel during the surgery. 
  • The next step is positioning the patient on an operating table and the surgical team will take care that the patient is comfortable and properly positioned for the surgery.
  • Before initiating the surgery, the team will clean the throat area and sterilize it to decrease the infection risk. 
  • The next step is starting the procedure in which the surgeon will involve using special tools for the removal of adenoids and tonsils. The precise method used might differ but often involves dissection, cutting, and cauterizing the tissues for their removal. The surgeon ensures taking care of everything to reduce the risk of bleeding during the procedure. 
  • There is no requirement for stitches in almost every case, as the tissues removed are from the throat surface. If there is any bleeding, then it is controlled with the use of cauterization or other ways. 
  • After the procedure is done, the patient is transferred to a recovery area where he/she wakes up from anesthesia slowly under close healthcare team supervision. 
  • Once the patient regains consciousness, the patient is monitored for some time to ensure that there are no prompt complications. The patient might notice some throat pain and feeling of discomfort, but it is easily manageable with pain medicines. 
  • After monitoring the condition, the patient is discharged, however, in some cases, there might be a need for an overnight stay for observation purposes.

What happens after Adenotonsillectomy?

The recovery process often involves some steps after the adenotonsillectomy procedure. Here are these steps:

  • Once the surgery is done, the patient has to spend some time in a recovery room so that anesthesia wears off meanwhile healthcare team also ensures monitoring vital signs. 
  • If the patient experiences any discomfort or throat pain, then the doctor will recommend pain medications like over-the-counter drugs. 
  • It is recommended to drink liquids to ensure hydration and avoid spicy or acidic foods. It might cause irritation in the throat. The doctor might recommend including colds liquid, and soft and bland foods as the throat can easily tolerate this.
  • The patient must ensure to follow the instructions and take proper rest as recommended. It is also suggested that the patient must avoid physical exertion as it can cause throat straining which might lead to bleeding. 
  • If any signs of bleeding are observed, then getting in touch with the doctor is recommended immediately. 
  • There might be other symptoms that can be experienced by a patient such as fever, infection, swelling, discomfort, and changes in voice. In such cases, the patient might not delay meeting with the doctor. 
  • Lastly, the doctor recommends follow-up appointments with the doctor to assess the healing process of the patient. These appointments will also ensure that there is no risk of any complications.

Why should you choose The Calcutta Medical Research Institute for an adenotonsillectomy procedure?

The Calcutta Medical Research Institute (CMRI) is one of the largest multispecialty hospitals in Kolkata. Our hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, revolutionizing the healthcare industry for the best surgical outcomes. In addition, CMRI has several eminent specialists, doctors, and healthcare providers of national and international reputations for comprehensive and personalized treatment. CMRI provides patient-centric care and empathy from internationally trained nurses to ensure holistic care for patients. Here are a few advantages of choosing the CMRI adenotonsillectomy procedure:

  • Highly qualified and experienced doctors
  • 440-bed capacity along with cutting-edge technology and the latest medical equipment
  • Hygienic and patient-friendly infrastructure
  • Thorough screening and diagnosis
  • Transparent Pricing Structure for cost-effective treatment
  • Patient-centric, high-quality care for a high success rate
  • Pain management and palliative care
  • Complete and coordinated care for patients with all types of cancers.

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