ENT is a specialty branch of medicine and surgery that addresses a range of ear, nose, and throat illnesses often left untreated due to a lack of awareness about advancements in this field. The most common otolaryngology problems seen today include hearing loss, swallowing problems (dysphagia), otitis media (ear infections), hoarseness of voice, dizziness, cholesteatoma (abnormal skin growth in the middle ear), gastric reflux, snoring, tonsil issues, sinus problems, nosebleeds, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), and otitis externa (swimmer’s ear).
The ENT Department at CK Birla Hospital Jaipur houses an expert team of ENT specialists, surgeons, therapists, and audiologists. It is equipped with cutting-edge technologies and facilities, including a specialized audiology lab, operating microscopes for examining samples for infection, and diagnostic endoscopes for real-time images and videos of the internal body system.
The aim is to provide the best ENT hospital in Jaipur with comprehensive healthcare services for all ENT patients and perform surgeries in a patient-centered and secure environment. Surgical centers in the department are supported by outstanding anesthesia services and the latest equipment, including sialendoscopy, microdebrider systems, electrical drills, and laser devices. Separate intensive care units and wards are available to care for adults and pediatrics. In addition to healthcare provided to hospitalized patients, outpatient services are available six days a week with easy and quick admission.
The ENT department works in collaboration with other specialties, such as onco-surgery, neurosurgery, plastic and reconstructive surgery, and cardiothoracic surgery, while performing complex or challenging surgical tasks. Moreover, medical assistance is also sought from experts in internal medicine, neurology, pediatrics, and gastroenterology to facilitate fast healing and improve the health conditions of patients post-surgery.
Rhinology: This involves problems related to the nose and sinuses. Some of the procedures carried out are Balloon sinuplasty, Advanced Endoscopic sinus surgery, Coblation assisted sinus surgery, modified Lothrop procedure, and Turbinoplasty.
Advanced auditory and cochlear implantation: It is performed in case of injuries or congenital ear abnormalities to treat hearing problems.
Otology: It deals with the ear and its associated diseases. Some of the procedures are Ossiculoplasty, Canaloplasty, Tympanoplasty, Stapedotomy, and Modified and Radical Mastoidectomy.
Neurotology: It focuses on the treatment of conditions of the inner ear. The procedures involved are temporal bone resection, labyrinthectomy, facial nerve grafting and decompression, subtotal petrosectomy, and translabyrinth procedures (to treat tumors).
Laryngology: This includes the treatment of injury and diseases related to the voice box/larynx. Some procedures performed are tracheostomy, micro laryngeal surgery, and thyroplasty.
Head and neck surgery: It includes the treatment of disorders like tonsillitis, fistulae, and nystagmus. The procedures involved are parotidectomy, salivary gland excision, laryngectomy, thyroidectomy, and sialendoscopy.
Bronchoesophagology: It is associated with the diagnosis and treatment of oesophageal and air passage diseases. Diagnostic techniques like esophagoscopy and bronchoscopy are in use. It also includes airway surgery or stenting to remove the blockage of air passage/windpipe.
Lateral endonasal cranial base surgery using Endoscopy: for treating conditions like encephaloceles, glomus tumors, cholesteatomas, glioma or glomus tumors, meningiomas, and acoustic neuromas.
Pediatric otolaryngology: It looks after evaluation and treatment of ENT problems of the child from birth till adolescence. Some procedures performed under this unit are tracheostomy, endolaryngeal surgery, tonsillectomy, myringotomy, and adenoidectomy.
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