Degenerative disease is basically a neurological defect that is associated with the deterioration of the function and structure of affected body parts. This means the person who is affected by a degenerative disease might have problems with body balance, breathing, neurological function, heart function movement, memory talking, etc. These symptoms get worse over time along with the process of aging. Degenerative diseases can be classified majorly into 3 groups that affect cardiovascular disease, neoplastic disease or nervous system disease. Hypertension coronary artery disease myocardial infarction are examples of some of the commonly found cardiovascular diseases. Tumors and cancer are included in neoplastic diseases whereas Parkinson's and Alzheimer's affect the nervous system.
Many degenerative diseases can be treated with proper medication care, exercise, and change in dietary habits but still there are a few degenerative diseases for which there is no treatment but one can manage its symptoms. Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and rheumatoid arthritis are some of the diseases in which the treatment is majorly based upon treating the symptoms and managing them. The majority of people get affected with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease both of these diseases are more common in older people that really affect the quality of life. Since there is no treatment that can cure it completely but still one can slow the rate of degeneration and can also manage the symptoms with the help of proper medication exercises therapy and rehabilitation. In such conditions, families have a very important role to play as they need constant care and someone close to them at all times.
There can be various factors that might be the reason for having degenerative disease in an individual. In most cases usually, the cause is unknown however with the advancement of medical science, imaging technology, genetics, biochemistry, and gene mapping the best neurologist doctor in Jaipur is able to identify the possible cause of degenerative disease.
Cancer is also a form of degenerative disease as it is called by the abnormal growth of cells that multiply and spread throughout the body. This occurs due to the continuous growth of cells that causes changes in the DNA as a result the cell cycle gets disturbed and the cells grow continuously.
Parkinson's disease is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases in which the patient generally faces the loss of muscle control due to abnormal functioning of the neurons. It is almost impossible to know the exact reason for having Parkinson's disease but scientists believe that there are a lot of risk factors such as environmental changes, toxins, drugs, stress, and particular medicines that might cause this disease.
Alzheimer's is another very common neurodegenerative disease that affects a huge population all across the globe. Usually, older people are affected by it. It usually affects the memory of the person and their ability to perform tasks. Lack of Nutrition stress increases the level of toxicity in the body and exposure to metal oxides is considered one of the main culprits behind this disease.
Rukmani Birla Hospital is one of the best multispeciality hospitals in Jaipur that has one of the best neuro departments that consist of the best neurosurgeons in Jaipur who have experience in treating complicated cases. If you have any neurological queries, contact us for expert assistance.
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