
What is Ependymoma?

Ependymoma is a neurological condition that grows as a cancerous tumour in your brain and any part of the spine. It includes your neck, upper and lower back as well. Tumours at first are formed in the ependymal cells in the centre of the spinal cord and in the brain's fluid-filled spaces referred to as ventricles.

This condition doesn’t spread to any other part of the body, unlike other cancer types. However, it can spread to most of your brain area or spine. Ependymoma occurs at any age, but usually young children experience this condition.  They can experience symptoms like frequent seizures and headaches.

In adults, the condition is most likely to hit their spinal cord and might cause body weakness in the parts which are controlled by nerves.


The classification of Ependymoma is initiated based on the variability degree in a tumour size and shape. Doctors also classify this condition on the basis of how fast the tumour cells are emerging, tumour cells crowding, tumour blood vessels growth, tumour cells tendency, how much the tumour has spread, molecular, and genetic features.

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