How Golden Hours in Neurosurgery helps Spine Injury

How Golden Hours in Neurosurgery helps Spine Injury

Neurosciences |by Dr. Sanjeev Singh| Published on 14/02/2022

Any kind of accident or trauma is dangerous for a person's life but when the spine or head gets injured in an accident or due to any other reason it might cause permanent damage if it is not treated in the golden hour. The golden hour is basically the first 60 minutes or one hour of ultimate care and treatment that a patient receives who has been affected severely by a stroke, an injury, an accident, or trauma. According to the best neurosurgeon in Jaipur, it is absolutely necessary to reach the hospital in time and get the appropriate medical facilities and medical help at that golden hour as it helps in saving the life and deciding the morbidity and the mortality of the patient in that frame of time.

It plays a very crucial role in a patient's life since early addressed of the problem helps the doctor to provide better treatment options and stop any kind of further damage that might occur due to the delay in the treatment. A lot of patients are not able to survive because their present condition gets worse due to bleeding which is one of the main reasons for creating a life-threatening condition in such cases. The basic aim of Golden Hours is to save the life of patients who have gone through a very unpleasant trauma or major accident caused due to any condition and treating the patient in the first hour increases the survival rate to a great extent.

 Spine injury is one of the major injuries that can be caused in a person since it is a major part of the human nervous system. The nervous system of a human consists of the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and neurons. The entire body is controlled and governed by them and if there is any kind of injury in the spinal cord it hampers and damages the entire function of body organs which can even restrict the movement of the person which might lead to a bedridden condition in severely injured patients. A lot of people suffer from paralysis due to spinal cord injury therefore it becomes extremely necessary to get the appropriate medical help within the golden hour as it helps to provide the appropriate treatment as suggested by the best neurosurgeon in Jaipur.

Earlier, spinal cord injury used to be the most dangerous kind of injury as there was a lot of uncertainty about whether the person would ever be able to get up and perform their normal tasks or not. But today, with the advancement of medical science and technology, treating spinal injuries has become more accurate and easier because constant rehabilitation, physiotherapy, therapy sessions, and appropriate medical help have helped a lot of people recover from spinal cord injuries and live their independent life independently.

Signs and Symptoms:

When a person gets injured one cannot identify the symptoms immediately as it takes time to understand how the body has reacted or how the body has been affected due to the injury.

In some cases, people lose their ability to control their bodily functions such as sensory and motor functions together which is known as a complete injury whereas in some cases some of the motor and sensory functions are affected mildly.

Some of the other signs and symptoms of spinal cord injuries might include:

•    Inability to move
•    Bladder control issues
•    Problem in bowel movement
•    Changes in sexual function and fertility
•    Excruciating pain and sensation that becomes unbearable at times
•    Difficulty in breathing
•    Weakness and numbness
•    Paralysis
•    Unable to walk on the move
•    Loss of bladder control

Rukmani Birla Hospital is one of the best multi-specialty hospitals that provide world-class treatment.  We have a team of the best surgeons and healthcare professionals who are dedicated to providing the ultimate healthcare.  For any kind of spine treatment in Jaipur, contact RBH Hospital for expert assistance.

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