Most of us are familiar with varicose veins that appear as twisted and enlarged veins and usually occur on the lower legs. You probably already noticed that varicose veins are very common in India, with over ten million cases of the disease every year. According to general surgeons, over 30 percent of the Indian adult population may suffer from this disease. Most think these deformed veins are just a cosmetic problem and there’s nothing you cannot do about them. But varicose veins can progress into a more serious problem if left untreated. They may become swollen or enlarged and affect the blood circulation of the veins. While there is no permanent cure for these varicose veins, some treatments can reduce their deformity and decrease the risk of complications from these dysfunctional veins. Read on to know more about varicose veins, their causes, risk factors, prevention strategies, and treatments.
Veins and arteries are an integral part of the circulatory system that supplies oxygen-rich blood and nutrients throughout your body. But in the process, your body also creates byproducts, toxins, and oxygen-poor blood that go back to your heart. Hence, the valves in your veins work to prevent blood from flowing backward or in between heartbeats. But over the years, these valves can stop functioning. It allows blood to reflux and accumulate in the veins in your lower legs, known as chronic venous insufficiency or CVI. These accumulations press against the inside of the veins that cause bloating and twisting in them.
While most varicose veins develop close to the skin, some can also occur deep within your body tissues. The best general surgeon in Jaipur considers varicose veins to be unhealthy veins that allow harmful toxins to remain in the tissues and prevent them from getting oxygen-rich blood. Hence, they can lead to several complications, such as the breakdown of the nearby skin and tissues that cause painful leg sores and venous ulcers. These ulcers also heal slowly because of a limited supply of fresh blood and nutrients through varicose veins. And without timely intervention and surgery, they can stagnate in the veins and form blood clots that can move to the lungs, heart, or brain to cause severe problems.
Varicose veins surgery involves a surgical procedure performed to remove or cure damaged and dysfunctional veins. It’s a more preferred treatment for varicose veins compared to other treatment options. It can significantly lower the chances of recurrence, restore the vein’s appearance, and effectively relieves symptoms of non-surgical treatments. Surgeons can recommend this surgery for both aesthetic and medical purposes due to its safety.
Nearly 80% of the people who have varicose vein surgery noticed that their symptoms, such as swelling, heaviness, and throbbing pain, alleviated significantly or vanished completely. But it becomes more necessary when the patient has recurrent varicose veins, severe symptoms that worsen with time, blood clots or ulcers, and bleeding from veins. So, if you’re currently suffering from any of these severe problems, immediately get in touch with a surgeon for timely intervention.
Open Surgery:
It’s a traditional or conventional surgical procedure that requires surgeons to make several incisions and stitches on the body to restore the damage in veins. Hence, it can significantly increase the risk of infections or complications post-surgery and is inconvenient for most patients.
Radiofrequency Ablation
It’s one of the modern treatment options for varicose veins in which the surgeon uses radiofrequency waves or heat waves to destroy the damaged varicose veins. This scarred tissue seals the end of these veins that cause them to collapse and fade away over time.
Laser Treatment
It’s the most effective and advanced surgery in which the surgeon directs laser energy pulse onto the enlarged varicose veins. It shuts off the blood supply through the damaged varicose veins to ensure permanent treatment of varicose veins. It’s a non-invasive procedure that provides permanent relief from the symptoms and troubles of varicose veins safely.
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