Epilepsy is basically a neurological condition that is caused due to recurrent seizures that are unprovoked. Seizures are a rush of abnormal electrical activity in the brain that causes uncontrollable muscle twitches. Seizures can be mild to severe depending upon the intensity, occurrence, and condition of the patient. Epilepsy is quite common, especially in America, one among 9 % of individuals have at least one seizure once in their lifetime.
Before recommending a treatment it is necessary that the best neurosurgeon in Jaipur accurately diagnoses the type of epilepsy as it is important for choosing the best treatment option. Majority of the epileptic seizures are controlled with the help of certain drug therapy. Further, diet also plays a crucial role along with medication. In cases where medications and does not work surgery might be considered depending on the frequency and severity of the disease.
A stroke occurs when the blood vessels in the brain rupture or there are any kinds of blockage in the blood supply that reaches the brain. It is one of the leading causes of death all across the globe. Since the blood supply gets obstructed in the brain therefore without oxygen the brain cell and the tissues get damaged and die within minutes. Therefore it is necessary to take immediate action and call for medical help. It is important that the person knows the symptoms of a stroke that include paralysis, slurred speech, numbness or weakness in the arms face, or leg, confusion blurred vision, trouble walking, seizures, behavior changes, etc
In case of stroke, the doctor quickly tries to restore the blood flow to the brain which is done through emergency medications or a drug that breaks the clots within a few hours. The doctor or the spinal cord specialist in Jaipur also uses endovascular procedures in order to remove the clot.
Alzheimer's disease is basically a progressive neurological disorder that causes the brain cells to die. It greatly affects memory, declines the ability to think, causes confusion, and social and behavioral skills and it greatly affects the ability of a person to function independently. This is basically caused by people who are older in age( 60 and above). It is necessary to know the symptoms so that one can stop or delay the process.
In order to have better treatment one should consult a doctor when they begin to see the early signs such as forgetting recent events in a conversation and being lost or confused. Basically, there is no cure for the disease but there are certain medications and therapy that helps in slowing down the process that also improve the function of the brain. And such a disease requires help and support from family members and caregivers is a necessity.
Parkinson's disease is also a progressive neural disorder that affects the body movement of a person. People have problems with noticeable tremors in their hands which is one of the early signs of the disease. But as the disease is advanced the symptoms also get worse over time. The frequency of tremors increases, the movement becomes slow, the muscles become rigid, there is a poor balance and impaired posture, and the speech changes.
As of now, there is no sure-shot cure for the disease. But there are various ways by which symptoms can be managed and the process can be delayed. Generally, the treatment varies from person to person depending upon their symptoms and their condition. There is a treatment that requires surgery to implant the device that gives the mind electrical current to the brain deep brain stimulation which is one of the effective methods of treatment.
ALS is also a very progressive nervous system disease that usually causes the brain spinal cord which both causes lose of muscle control in the body. Symptoms of disease also depend greatly from person to person and different people have different symptoms. Some of the basic symptoms and fluid muscle weakness that gets worse over time, difficulty in walking, slurred speech, muscle cramps, cognitive and behavioral changes, etc.
Treatment cannot reverse the damage which is already done but it can further slow the progression of the disease, prevent complications and help in managing the symptoms. The doctor usually provides medicine such as Rilutek and Radicava for survival and to improve the quality of life.
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