Heat Wave: Everything You Need to Know

Heat Wave: Everything You Need to Know

Internal Medicine |by Dr. Ambrish Garg| Published on 17/05/2023

Heat waves can be dangerous to a person's health, especially to those who are susceptible such as children, elderly people, pregnant women, and individuals with pre-existing health conditions. The high temperatures during a heat wave lead to heat-related illnesses like heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke. These conditions can cause dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and other complications, which can be dangerous if not treated promptly.

To protect oneself during a heat wave, it is vital to stay hydrated, prevent prolonged exposure to the sun, wear light-colored and loose-fitting clothing, and stay in air-conditioned environments whenever possible. It is also essential to check on vulnerable individuals, such as the elderly or those with chronic medical conditions, to ensure that they are coping with the heat.

In this blog, we will discuss more on heat waves so make sure to stay till the end. Before we get into the discussion, kindly note that it is for informational purposes only and doesn’t construe with consulting a doctor.

What is a heat wave?

A heat wave is an excessively hot weather that is often accompanied by high humidity temperature. Heat waves can occur in both humid and dry climates, and they are characterized by high temperatures that persist for several days or even weeks.

Heat waves can have serious health consequences which include dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke, which can be life-threatening if left untreated.

Heat waves also have economic consequences, like increased energy demand for cooling, reduced crop yields, and decreased worker productivity. Climate change is anticipated to enhance the frequency and extent of heat waves across several parts of the world, making it essential to take measures to alleviate their impact.

What are the effects of heat waves?

Heat waves involve a range of effects on both the environment and human health. Here are some of the effects of heat waves include:

  • Heat-related illnesses: The most common and direct effect of heat waves is the enhanced risk of heat-related problems, like heat exhaustion and heat stroke. These conditions can cause dehydration, fainting, and in certain cases, organ damage, or even sometimes death.
  • Air quality: Heat waves can worsen air quality by enhancing the concentration of pollutants like ground-level ozone and particulate matter. It can cause respiratory issues, especially in people with pre-existing conditions such as asthma or COPD.
  • Water quality: During heat waves, the body temperature can rise causing the growth of harmful algae and bacteria. It can affect the safety of drinking water and recreational activities.
  • Agriculture: Heat waves can have a negative impact on crop yields and food production. High temperatures can damage crops and reduce soil moisture, leading to drought conditions.
  • Infrastructure: Heat waves can also put stress on infrastructure, like power grids and transportation systems. Enhanced demand for electricity to power air conditioning systems can strain power grids and cause blackouts.

Overall, the effects of heat waves can be severe and widespread, impacting both human and natural systems. It is vital to take measures to reduce the risk and impact of heat waves, such as staying hydrated, avoiding prolonged exposure to high temperatures, and implementing heat emergency plans at the community and government levels.

What are the symptoms related to heat waves?

Heat waves can cause a range of symptoms, from mild discomfort to life-threatening conditions. Some of the common symptoms related to heat waves include:

  • Dehydration: Thirst, dry mouth, and throat, reduced urine output, and dark yellow urine.
  • Heat exhaustion: Heavy sweating, weakness, dizziness, nausea or vomiting, headache, and muscle cramps.
  • Heat stroke: High body temperature (above 103°F or 39.4°C), hot, dry skin with no sweat, rapid pulse, difficulty breathing, confusion, seizures, and unconsciousness.
  • Heat rash: A skin irritation that develops in areas of the body that are exposed to heat and sweat, such as the neck, chest, groin, and elbow creases.
  • Heat cramps: Painful muscle cramps that can occur during or after intense physical activity in hot weather.
  • Fainting: Feeling dizzy, lightheaded, or weak and potentially losing consciousness due to dehydration, heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these symptoms during a heat wave, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. In the meantime, move to a cool and shaded area, remove any tight or heavy clothing, and drink cool water or other fluids to stay hydrated.

What causes heat waves in India?

Heat waves in India are typically caused by a combination of atmospheric and meteorological factors. Here are some of the primary factors that contribute to heat waves in India:

  • High-pressure systems: During the summer months, high-pressure systems often form over the northern and central regions of India. These systems can cause hot, dry air to descend from higher altitudes, resulting in high temperatures on the ground.
  • Lack of rainfall: A lack of rainfall can also contribute to heat waves in India. If the monsoon season is delayed or weak, there may be less moisture in the air, which can lead to higher temperatures.
  • Urbanization: Rapid urbanization in India has led to the creation of "heat islands," where cities can be several degrees hotter than the surrounding rural areas. This is due to factors like the concentration of concrete and asphalt, which absorb and retain heat.
  • Climate change: Global climate change is also thought to be contributing to the frequency and severity of heat waves in India. Rising temperatures due to greenhouse gas emissions may be exacerbating natural weather patterns, making heat waves more likely.
  • Local topography: The local topography of a region can also play a role in heat wave formation. For example, valleys and low-lying areas may be more prone to trapping hot air, which can lead to higher temperatures.

By understanding these factors, scientists and policymakers can work to better predict and mitigate the impacts of heat waves in India.

What are the heat wave precautions?

Here are some precautions you can take to stay safe during a heat wave:

  • Stay indoors during the hottest part of the day: Try to stay inside during the hottest part of the day, typically from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, even if you don't feel thirsty. Restrict consumption of caffeine and alcohol, as they can dehydrate you.
  • Dress appropriately: Wear lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothing. Protect your head and face with a hat and sunglasses.
  • Use air conditioning: If you own an air conditioner, then make sure to use it regularly. If you don't have air conditioning at home, consider spending time in air-conditioned public spaces like libraries, malls, or community centers.
  • Keep your home cool: Use shades, blinds, or curtains to block out sunlight. You can use fans for circulating air and create a breeze.
  • Check on vulnerable individuals: Make sure elderly family members, neighbors, or friends are safe and have access to air conditioning.
  • Avoid strenuous activity: Limit outdoor activities, especially those that require physical exertion, during the hottest part of the day.
  • Monitor your health: Watch for signs of heat exhaustion or heat stroke, which can include dizziness, nausea, headache, and confusion. Get in touch with an internal medicine expert in Jaipur if you experience these symptoms.

By taking these precautions, you can reduce the risk of heat-related illness and stay safe during a heat wave.


In conclusion, heat waves are dangerous and even life-threatening, particularly for vulnerable individuals. They are caused by a variety of atmospheric and meteorological factors, discussed above. To stay safe during a heat wave, it's vital to take precautions such as staying hydrated, staying indoors during the hottest part of the day, and using air conditioning. By understanding the causes of heat waves, we can work to better predict and prepare for these events and reduce their impact on human health and well-being. It is essential to take heat waves seriously and take necessary measures to stay safe and healthy during these extreme weather events. You can get in touch with the internal medicine experts of Rukmani Birla Hospital in Jaipur, one of the best multispeciality hospitals, to gain more comprehensive insight on the aspect. With their expert and talented healthcare professionals's assistance, you can find the best treatment for heat waves.



Why is infrared called heat waves?

Infrared radiation is sometimes called heat waves because it is a form of electromagnetic radiation that is emitted by objects with a temperature above absolute zero.

How are heat waves measured?

Heat waves are measured using a combination of temperature data and meteorological indices. The common methods are temperature monitoring, heat index, wet bulb globe temperature, and cooling degree days. 

How does climate change cause heat waves?

Climate change is causing an increase in the frequency and intensity of heat waves in many parts of the world, including India. Some of the ways that climate change is contributing to heat waves include rising temperatures, changes in weather patterns, drought, urbanization, etc.

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