Right from birth, an infant is susceptible to a lot of diseases, viruses, and bacteria. During this period your child’s immune system is still developing which increases the chances of communicable diseases. The increased risk of several medical problems, existing health hazards, and the prevalence of COVID in recent years make it crucial for parents and guardians to vaccinate their babies.
The data reveals that timely vaccination of babies against tetanus, polio, hepatitis, pneumonia, etc. can prevent approximately 3 million deaths worldwide. Several initiatives and vaccination programs in India are already promoting awareness about immunizations for babies. If you are looking for the vaccination chart for babies in india, this blog can provide a reference regarding the same.
Under the national immunization schedule for 2024, baby vaccine chart in India is mentioned below.
Some children can experience mild reactions from the shots. Depending on the age of the child, they may experience a rash, mild fever, or some pain and discomfort after the vaccination. Therefore, it is important to know how to identify and minimize the side effects after the injection. Here are Do’s and dont's that can help you during and after your baby’s vaccination -
Immunization is a necessary health intervention for infants, newborns, and adolescent kids. Vaccines are very effective in managing specific diseases in newborns and older kids. To eradicate some harmful diseases, the government organizes several campaigns by setting up free vaccination centers across the country.
However, even then, the population of children who do not receive the vaccination is still very high. According to World Health Organization, over 22 million children do not receive proper and complete vaccinations. This creates a need for awareness to ensure every child is vaccinated before the age of 5. It is your responsibility as a parent and as a guardian to get your child vaccinated to ensure a better quality of life.
In case your infant develops a high fever after the vaccination, make sure they are drinking plenty of water. You can also give liquid paracetamol or ibuprofen to bring down their temperature. Also, make sure they are not wearing too many layers of clothes or blankets.
Yes, you can give a bath to the baby after the vaccination as usual. However, in case the area of injection is red and warm to the touch, you can use a cool wet towel around the site. Refrain from using an ice pack and wrapping the baby in too many blankets or clothes after the vaccination.
All infants must get the first shot of the hepatitis B vaccine within 24 hours after birth. The injection reduces the risk of infection from family members who may be unaware that they are infected with hepatitis B.
After the injection, the child may experience mild reactions which usually go away soon. Consider the following tips to minimize the side effects after your baby’s vaccination -
The doctor may recommend the following vaccines where children are exposed to the following conditions -
Yes, breastfeeding before and after the vaccination can help reduce the pain in most babies up to the age of 1 year. Most children feel tired after the vaccination and eat very little. Therefore, feeding the child before the vaccine is usually advisable.
There are 12 different vaccines for newborns which come under India’s universal immunization program. These vaccines are provided free of cost at government hospitals. Contact us to know more about the national immunization schedule for 2024.
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