A brain aneurysm is a medical condition that occurs when a weak spot in the arterial wall of the brain bulges and fills with blood. It appears as a berry-size bulge or ballooning in a blood vessel inside the person’s brain. Mostly the brain aneurysm occurs between the brain and its surrounding thin tissues. Though brain aneurysms can sound alarming, in most cases, people tend to live long and healthy without experiencing any symptoms of the problem. Though, in severe patients, when the brain aneurysm becomes too big or leaks or ruptures, it causes bleeding into the brain leading, known to a hemorrhagic stroke. This condition is life-threatening and will need urgent medical care. However, in the majority of cases, a brain aneurysm does not burst or cause other health problems and is usually detected during diagnostic tests.
Symptoms of a brain aneurysm depend on the severity of the condition – ruptured, leaking, or unruptured condition.
Signs of a ruptured brain aneurysm
In cases, where a brain aneurysm is ruptured, the patient will feel sudden and intense headaches, along with some other symptoms such as:
For patients, in who the aneurysm has caused leakage of blood in the brain, the symptoms will include extreme and chronic headaches, often described as the worst headache of life. A severe brain aneurysm rupture often leads to leakage in the brain known as a sentinel bleed.
For patients, who have a small brain aneurysm, there may be no significant symptoms. However, in case the aneurysm grows larger and starts to pressurize the nearby nerves and tissues, it can cause symptoms such as the following:
Brain aneurysms are usually common in people above the age of 40, though it is also found in children during birth. Women particularly have a higher risk of developing a brain aneurysm than men, in general.
An aneurysm is formed at the branching fork of blood vessels since these tend to be weaker sections; they appear mostly in the base of the brain and can be caused by multiple factors though none definitive.
That said, a few factors make some people more vulnerable to developing a brain aneurysm than others. These risk factors include:
Moreover, people with diseases related to blood or blood vessels are also at more risk of developing a brain aneurysm. Also, injury or trauma to the head, infection, and tumor or cancer in the head or neck – can severely increase the chances of a person developing an aneurysm in the brain. The above risk factors progress and develop over some time, whereas other factors which are present at birth and increase the risk of a child developing a brain aneurysm include:
In case, a patient experiences symptoms of a ruptured brain aneurysm, immediate medical attention must be provided because it is very likely to bleed again. The treatment involves stopping the blood flow to the aneurysm.
The procedure is risky and the eligibility will depend on the overall health condition of the patient. Some forms of treating a ruptured aneurysm include:
For brain aneurysm, which is smaller in size and have not ruptured or caused any complications – certain strict lifestyle modifications can prove very useful in treating the condition.
Overall, a brain aneurysm can be prevented provided one follows a healthy diet and active lifestyle aimed to maintain overall sound health.
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