An Electrophysiology Study, popularly known as an EP Study, is a test to evaluate how electrical signals move pathways through the heart. The heartbeat is regular when the pathways are normal. Radiofrequency ablation is a non-surgical procedure used to treat rapid heartbeats like Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome and some types of arrhythmias such as supraventricular tachyarrhythmias.
Cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading causes of death globally, taking an estimated 1.80 crore lives. Also called CVDs, cardiovascular diseases affect the heart and blood vessels. In short, all heart diseases are cardiovascular diseases, but not all cardiovascular diseases are heart diseases. Almost four out of five deaths caused by cardiovascular diseases are due to heart attacks and strokes.
थैलियम स्ट्रेस टेस्ट या थैलियम स्कैन एक ऐसा टेस्ट है, जिसमें हृदय के कार्य का विश्लेषण होता है और हृदय रोग से संबंधित संभावित समस्याओं का पता लगाया जाता है। इस टेस्ट के दौरान डॉक्टर मूल्यांकन करते हैं कि आराम और शारीरिक परिश्रम के दौरान शरीर में रक्त प्रवाह कैसा है।