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Hernia SurgeryIn Kolkata

Hernia surgery is a critical medical intervention designed to repair weakened or torn muscle tissue, often caused by a protrusion of organs or fat through an opening in the muscle or tissue. Untreated hernias can enlarge, cause pain, or trap tissue, potentially leading to serious bowel issues or even strangulation.

If you're considering surgery for a hernia, reach out to us, or book a direct appointment with our general surgeon. At the CMRI Hospital Kolkata, we are dedicated to ensuring that your hernia surgery is as safe, comfortable, and effective as possible. We're here to guide you every step of the way towards a successful recovery.

Understanding Hernia: Causes and Risks

An organ or fatty tissue can herniate when it pushes through a weak point in the surrounding muscle or connective tissue. Common causes include:

  • Congenital conditions: Some individuals are born with weaker muscles, making them more susceptible to hernias.

  • Physical strain: Activities like heavy lifting, strenuous exercise, or persistent coughing can increase abdominal pressure and lead to hernias.

  • Ageing: As we age, muscles can weaken, increasing the risk of hernias.

  • Chronic conditions: Issues like obesity, chronic cough, or constipation can all contribute to the development of a hernia.

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Types of Hernia

Hernias can occur in various parts of the body, each with its characteristics:

  • Inguinal hernia: The most common type, occurring when intestines push through a weak spot in the lower abdominal wall.
  • Femoral hernia: More common in women, occurring in the upper thigh.
  • Hiatal hernia: Occurs when the diaphragm allows a portion of the stomach to thrust upward.
  • Umbilical hernia: Occurs near the belly button, often in newborns but can persist into adulthood.
  • Incisional hernia: This can occur after abdominal surgery, where the intestine pushes through the surgical scar.

Preparing for Hernia Surgery

Before undergoing hernia surgery, it's important to:


  • Consult with a specialist: Discuss the procedure, potential risks, and recovery expectations with your surgeon.
  • Undergo a physical examination: Ensure you're fit for surgery and identify any potential complications.
  • Discuss your medical history: Inform your surgeon about any medications, allergies, or previous surgeries.


  • Prepare for recovery: Arrange for help post-surgery, as you'll need to avoid strenuous activities for several weeks.

What is the average cost of a hernia surgery?

The cost of a hernia surgery varies as per the specific type of hernia that a patient has, such as:

  • Inguinal hernia
  • Femoral hernia
  • Hiatal hernia
  • Umbilical hernia
  • Incisional hernia

The cost can also vary widely depending on several factors, including the location, the extent of the procedure, the surgeon's experience, and the hospital's pricing structure.

To get an explicit estimate for the cost of a hernia surgery at the CMRI Hospital Kolkata, contact the hospital directly. Additionally, you can consult with our board-certified general surgeon to discuss your specific needs and receive a personalised quote for the procedure.

What are the complications if a hernia surgery is not done timely and properly?

Delaying or improperly performed hernia surgery can lead to various complications. These include:

  • Incarceration: The hernia may become trapped in the abdominal wall, causing severe pain and potentially cutting off blood supply to the affected tissue.
  • Strangulation: A hernia can become strangulated, leading to tissue death and infection, posing a life-threatening risk.
  • Increased size: Hernias often enlarge over time, making surgery more complex and recovery more challenging.
  • Chronic pain: Untreated hernias can cause chronic discomfort, limiting daily activities and quality of life.
  • Intestinal obstruction: A hernia can block the intestine, causing vomiting, abdominal distention, and requiring emergency surgery.

Timely and proper hernia surgery is crucial to prevent these complications and ensure a smoother recovery.

What is the diagnosis before a hernia surgery?

Before hernia surgery, a comprehensive diagnosis is essential. This involves:

  • Medical history review: Gathering information about the patient's medical history, previous surgeries, and any relevant underlying conditions.
  • Physical examination: A thorough examination to identify the hernia's location, size, and severity.
  • Imaging tests: Often, ultrasound or CT scans are used to confirm the hernia, assess its type, and detect any complications.
  • Type identification: Determining the specific type of hernia (e.g., inguinal, umbilical, hiatal) for tailored treatment.
  • Complication assessment: Evaluating if there are complications like strangulation or obstruction.
  • Surgical planning: Using this information to plan the surgical approach and ensure patient readiness.
  • Customization: Considering the patient's unique symptoms and medical history to minimise surgical risks.

This pre-surgery diagnosis is crucial for a successful outcome and patient safety.

What are the pre-treatment/surgery instructions for a hernia surgery?

Before hernia surgery, patients receive important instructions to ensure a smooth procedure:

Pre-surgery preparations:

  • Six hours or more of fasting is required before surgery.
  • Avoid consuming liquids 2 hours before the surgery.
  • Refrain from smoking or chewing gum on the day of the surgery.

Medical considerations:

  • Share with the surgeon any allergies or underlying medical issues.
  • Adjust medication as directed by the medical team.

Clothing and personal items:

  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing for ease and comfort.
  • Bring identification and insurance information for documentation.

Hygiene precautions:

  • Shower with antibacterial soap before arriving for surgery.
  • Avoid applying lotions or creams to the surgical area.


  • Arrange transportation for a safe return home post-surgery.
  • Follow any additional guidelines provided by the surgeon to ensure a successful hernia surgery.

What are the post-surgery instructions for a hernia surgery?

After hernia surgery, it's crucial to follow these instructions:

  • Rest: Allow your body to heal by taking it easy for a few days.
  • Pain management: As recommended, use prescription pain relievers.
  • Incision care: Make sure the surgery site is dry and clean. Follow the surgeon's advice on dressing changes.
  • Activity: Gradually increase activity levels but avoid heavy lifting or strenuous exercise for a few weeks.
  • Diet: Start with light, easily digestible foods, and gradually return to your normal diet.
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water to aid recovery.
  • Follow-up: Attend all follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor progress and address any concerns.
  • Notify: Contact your doctor immediately if you experience severe pain, fever, redness, or swelling at the surgery site.

Recovery and prevention

Post-surgery, patients typically wear a compression garment to support the affected area and reduce swelling. Pain management is crucial, and your doctor will prescribe medication to help ease discomfort. Most patients can return to light activities within a few weeks, but full recovery may take longer.

To prevent future hernias, maintain a healthy weight, avoid heavy lifting, and follow a high-fibre diet to prevent constipation. Regular exercise can also strengthen the abdominal muscles.

What are the advantages of laparoscopic/robotic hernia surgery over traditional open hernia surgery? 

The advantages of laparoscopic/robotic hernia surgery over traditional open hernia surgery are summarised below:


Laparoscopic/Robotic Surgery

Open Surgery

Incision size

Small, keyhole incisions

Larger, single incision

Recovery time

Generally shorter


Postoperative pain

Typically less

Typically more

Hospital stay

Shorter (often same-day discharge)


Cosmetic result

Minimal scarring

More noticeable scar

Return to normal activities



However, the choice between laparoscopic/robotic and open surgery depends on individual patient factors, hernia specifics, and surgeon expertise. Each method has its own set of advantages and should be considered in the context of the patient's overall health and specific circumstances.

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What is a hernia surgery?

A hernia surgery fixes a bulge caused by tissue pushing through a weak spot in your body wall. It involves pushing the tissue back and strengthening the area, often with mesh and usually requires minimal incisions or "keyhole" techniques.

How long does hernia surgery take?

Hernia surgery time varies depending on the complexity, but generally, for simple repairs, it takes 30-60 minutes (laparoscopic or open) and for complex repairs, it takes up to 5 hours (open surgery). Remember, this is just an estimate. Always consult your doctor for a personalised timeframe.

For what duration is it possible to postpone hernia surgery?

Waiting for hernia surgery depends on severity. Small, symptom-free cases might be monitored, but complications rise the longer you wait. Always consult a doctor to assess your unique needs and risks.

Is hernia surgery painful?

Hernia surgery itself is painless thanks to anaesthesia. Afterwards, expect mild to moderate discomfort around the incision for a few days, often managed with over-the-counter medications.

Which surgery is best for an umbilical hernia?

Best umbilical hernia surgery depends on size, symptoms, and health. Open repair is quick for small hernias, but laparoscopic or robotic may offer faster recovery for larger ones. Consult a surgeon to weigh options!

What are the dos and don'ts after inguinal hernia surgery?

Do’s: Rest, eat healthy, walk, take medicines. Don'ts: Lift heavy, strain, avoid sex, swim until cleared. Listen to your body and call your doctor with concerns!

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