Numerous people's lives have been profoundly impacted by dyslexia, a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects reading and writing abilities, throughout history. Despite its difficulties, dyslexia has not prevented many well-known people from achieving their goals, demonstrating the fortitude and special abilities of those who suffer from this illness. Dyslexia has affected people's lives in a variety of fields, from ground-breaking scientists to well-known people like Albert Einstein, Pablo Picasso, Henry Winkler, etc, and prosperous businesspeople such as Richard Branson changing our perception of cognitive diversity. To demonstrate that dyslexia is not a roadblock to greatness but rather a special lens through which exceptional abilities can shine. We must comprehend a journey through the lives of these extraordinary people, whose challenges and victories encourage us to value the diversity of the human mind.
If you suffer from dyslexia or any of your loved ones have this condition, you can book your appointment with one of the renowned healthcare services in Kolkata known as The Calcutta Medical Research Institute. In this blog, we will talk about dyslexia in detail such as its symptoms, causes, and treatment options. Please note that this blog is research-based and we do not in any way encourage overlooking the doctor’s consultation.
Dyslexia is not a medical condition. It is a congenital disorder that typically runs in families. Dyslexic people are not unintelligent or lazy. Most have ordinary to above-average intelligence and strive hard to overcome their reading difficulties.
Dyslexia occurs as a result of a discrepancy in how the brain interprets information. Images of the brain demonstrate that people with dyslexia use different regions of the brain while reading than people without dyslexia.
Most people believe that people with dyslexia reverse letters and numbers and view words backward. However, reversals are a natural component of growth and are experienced in many children until the first or second grade.
The major issue with dyslexia is difficulty detecting phonemes. These are the fundamental sounds of speech (the "b" sound in "bat" is a phoneme, for example). As a result, connecting the sound to the letter symbol for that sound and blending sounds into words takes a lot of work. Dyslexic people take a while to sound out words. Because word reading requires more concentration and time. This way the meaning of the word is frequently lost, and reading comprehension is low.
It's no surprise that people with dyslexia struggle with spelling. They might also find it difficult to communicate verbally and in writing. Dyslexia is a language processing problem, so it can impact both spoken and written language.
Here are some of the dyslexia symptoms experienced by a child when he/she grows over time:
Researchers are unsure what causes dyslexia, but they believe that an issue during development may impact how the brain processes information. They also believe that genetics (inherited traits) play a role. Although no gene for dyslexia has been discovered, dyslexia does run in families. And is not caused by a physical condition such as impaired vision or hearing. People with dyslexia have difficulty receiving, organizing, remembering, or applying information.
As suggested by the best neurologist in Kolkata, as dyslexia is a complicated neurological illness, the care of dyslexic children is more complicated, even though the therapies are mostly educational. To rule out any contributory deficiencies, the doctor may undertake a physical exam and prescribe screening tests such as vision and hearing exams. Here are other ways to confirm the diagnosis:
At present, there are no medications to treat dyslexia, however, educational interference can help in learning ways to read and learn. Doctors often recommend that parents should work with an expert to understand new reading abilities.
A variety of tactics and strategies are employed to assist people with dyslexia. These include recording lectures rather than taking notes; listening to books on tape rather than reading them; employing flashcards, and checking spelling and grammar with computer software. Time spent with speech and language therapists, and special education teachers may be part of the treatment plan. Most children with dyslexia adjust to their learning problems and remain in regular schools with support. Some students may require special education and attention as well. Here is how the dyslexia treatment works:
To summarize, dyslexia is common in our society but is hardly recognized or understood. It is a chronic disorder that affects both children and adults in their educational and social surroundings. Adults with dyslexia do exist. However, they are frequently overlooked since they appear to operate normally. If you or your child is diagnosed with dyslexia, it is vital to understand that it is a common condition and does not indicate that the patient is not intelligent or lazy. The only difference is the way the brain works. It is important to offer the required support to the patient. Talking to a healthcare expert will assist in comprehending and managing the condition well.
No unknown way is there to correct the present brain differences causing dyslexia condition. However, detecting dyslexia early helps in identifying the particular needs and the right treatment to enhance success chances.
Yes, dyslexia is a learning disability that causes problems while reading, learning, and writing
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